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    a. If it cancels an order during the contract term, it shall pay breach of contract damages and compensatory damages.

    1. 中途退货应偿付违约金、赔偿金。


    b. If it fails to make payment or take delivery on the date prescribed in the contract, it shall pay breach of contract damages.

    2. 未按合同规定日期付款或提货、应偿付违约金。


    c. If it erroneously writes out or at the last moment changes the destination of the goods, it shall be liable for any extra expenses incurred as a result thereof.

    3. 错填或临时变更到货地点,承担由此而多支出的费用。


    Article 34 Liability for breach of a construction project contract.

    第三十三条 违反建设工程承包合同的责任


    a.If, due to the inferior quality of survey and design work or because survey and design documents are not submitted in time, the work period is prolonged and losses are caused thereby, the survey and design unit shall continue to complete the designs and shall reduce or forfeit its survey and design fees and shall even make compensation for the losses.

    1. 因勘察设计质量低劣成未按期提交勘察设计文件拖延工期造成损失,由勘察设计单位继续完善设计,并减收或免收勘察设计费,直至赔偿损失。


    b.If the construction quality does not conform to the stipulations of the contract, the party awarding the contract shall have the right to demand that the project be repaired or remedied and reconstructed within a fixed time and without extra payment, and if such repair or remedy and reconstruction causes overdue delivery of the project, the contractor shall pay breach of contract damages for overdue performance.

    2. 工程质量不符合合同规定。发包方有权要求限期无偿修理或者返工、改建,经过修理或者返工、改建后,造成逾期交付的,承包方偿付逾期的违约金。


    c. If the time the project is delivered does not conform to the stipulations of the contract, the contractor shall pay breach of contract damages for overdue performance.

    3. 工程交付时间不符合合同的规定,偿付逾期的违约金。


    (2)Liability of the party awarding the contract:



    a. If the raw and processed materials, equipment, site, funds, technical data, ect., are not supplied according to the time or requirements stipulated in the contract, in addition to accepting a delay in the work deadline, it shall also reimburse the contractor for actual losses from work stoppages and idling of the labour force as a result thereof.

    1. 因勘察未按合同规定的时间和要求提供原材料、设备、场地、资金、技术资料等,除工程日期得以顺延外 , 还应偿付承包方因此造成停工、窝工的实际损失。


    b. If construction is stopped or postponed in the course of the work, it shall adopt measures to offset or reduce the losses and at the same time compensate the contractor for losses and actual expenses incurred as a result thereof due to work stoppages, idling of the labour force, changes in transportation, transfers of machinery and equipment, overstocking of materials and components, etc.

    2. 工程中途停建、缓建,应采取措施弥补或减少损失,同时赔偿承包方由此而造成的停工、窝工、倒运、机械设备调迁、材料和构件积压等损失和实际费用。


    c. If the plans are modified, the data supplied are not accurate or the conditions for survey and design work are not provided in good time and, as a result thereof, the survey and design work has to be redone or stopped, or the design revised, it shall pay additional expenses for the amount of work actually expended by the contractor.

    3. 由于变更计划,提供的资料不准确。或未按期提供必须的勘察、设计工作条件而造成勘察、设计的返工、停工成修改设计,按承包方实际消耗的工作量增付费用。


    d. If problems of quality are discovered in the project it has put into use without having first examined and accepted, it shall be held solely responsible.

    4. 工程未经验收,提前使用,发现质量问题,自己承担责任。


    e. If it exceeds the deadline stipulated in the contract for examination and acceptance or for paying the construction fees, it shall pay breach of contract damages for overdue performance.

    5. 超过合同规定日期验收或付工程费,偿付逾期的违约金。


    Article 35 Liability for breach of a processing contract.

    第三十四条 违反加工承揽合同的责任


    (1)Liability of the contracting party:



    a. If due to improper storage the materials or articles supplied by the ordering party are damaged, lost or destroyed, it shall be liable for making compensation.

    1. 由于保管不善,致使定作方提供的材料和物品损坏、丢失的,负责赔偿。


    b. If the quality or quantity of work delivered to the ordering party does not conform to the prescriptions of the contract, it shall, without charge, undertake to make repairs or supplement the quantity or, depending on the circumstances, reduce remuneration. If the results of the work have a serious defect, it shall also be liable for making compensation.

    2. 未按合同规定的质量、数量完成定作方交付的工作 , 应无偿进行修理、补足数量或者酌减报酬。 如果工作成果有重大缺陷,还应承担赔偿责任。


    (2)Liability of the ordering party:



    a. If it does not provide the contracting party with raw and processed materials on time or of the requisite quality or quantity and thereby causes a prolonging of the work period, it shall be liable for making compensation for any losses.

    1. 未按时、按质、按量向承揽方提供原材料,造成工作延期的,负责赔偿损失。


    b. If it exceeds the deadline stipulated for taking delivery of the articles ordered or repaired, it shall pay a storage fee to the contracting party for the overdue period.

    2. 超过规定期限领取定作或修理的物品,应向承揽方给付逾期保管费。

