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    If loans or guarantees provided as mentioned in the preceding clause have caused damages those who are responsible shall undertake the whole or part of the responsibilities of repayment.



    Article 82 Criminal responsibilities shall be affixed on employees of the commercial banks who, by taking advantage of their own position, embezzle, divert or encroach upon the funds of the bank or the clients and the cases are so serious as to constitute a crime; and disciplinary action shall be taken against those whose case does not constitute a crime.

    第八十二条 商业银行工作人员利用职务上的便利,贪污、挪用、侵占本行或者客户资金,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;未构成犯罪的,应当给予纪律处分。


    Article 83 Disciplinary action shall be taken against employees of a commercial bank who violate this law and are derelict of their duty, causing damages; criminal responsibilities shall be affixed if the case is so serious as to constitute a crime.

    第八十三条 商业银行工作人员违反本法规定玩忽职守造成损失的,应当给予纪律处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。


    Those who cause damage because of issuing loans to or providing guarantee for relatives and friends should undertake the whole or part of the responsibilities of repayment.



    Article 84 Disciplinary action shall be taken against employees of a commercial bank who leak the State and commercial secrets they have accessed to during their service; criminal responsibilities shall be affixed if the case is so serious as to constitute a crime.

    第八十四条 商业银行工作人员泄露在任职期间知悉的国家秘密、商业秘密的,应当给予纪律处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。


    Article 85 Disciplinary action shall be taken against those who are directly in charge or responsible for forcing commercial banks to issue loans or provide guarantee; those who cause damages for the actions should undertake the whole or part of the responsibilities of repayment.

    第八十五条 单位或者个人强令商业银行发放贷款或者提供担保的,应当对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员或者个人给予纪律处分;造成损失的,应当承担全部或者部分赔偿责任。


    Disciplinary action shall be taken against employees of a commercial bank who do not refuse to provide forced loans or guarantees; those who cause damages for the action should undertake relevant responsibilities of repayment.



    Article 86 Upon refusal to the decisions of punishments by the People’s Bank of China, commercial banks and their employees may take the procedures to the people’s court in accordance with the " Administrative Procedure Law of the PRC ".



    Article 87 Commercial banks which were set up with approval in accordance with the regulations of the State Council need not go through the formalities of check and approval before this law is promulgated.

    第八十七条 本法施行前,按照国务院的规定经批准设立的商业银行不再办理审批手续。


    Article 88 This law applies to the foreign-funded commercial banks, Sino-foreign joint venture commercial banks and the branches of foreign commercial banks in china, and if there are special laws and administrative regualations governing them, they should follow such special laws and regulations.

    第八十八条 外资商业银行、中外合资商业银行、外国商业银行分行适用本法规定,法律、行政法规另有规定的,适用其规定。


    Article 89 The relevant regulations of this law apply to both urban and rural credit cooperative in their businesses such as handling deposits, issuing loans and settling accounts.

    第八十九条 城市信用合作社、农村信用合作社办理存款、贷款和结算等业务,适用本法有关规定。


    Article 90 The relevant regulations of this law apply to the postal enterprises in their postal deposits and remittance services.

    第九十条 邮政企业办理邮政储蓄、汇款业务,适用本法有关规定。


    Article 91 This law goes into force as of July 1, 1995.

    第九十一条 本法自1995年7月1日起施行。


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