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    译典分类展示:产品说明书 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 2只装 2 pack

    2 a正面(面向卡带架) A front side (facing the cassette holder)

    3 弹性腰围 Waist Band

    4 钢琴店 Musical Instruments-Piano

    5 后部距墙5英寸;后部离墙距离5英寸 5 inches clearance at rear

    6 几件套 X-piece set

    7 将开关推到位 Move the switch to its desired position

    8 肯尼迪地铁总站 Kennedy Subway Station

    9 乐器行 Musical Instruments

    10 乐器用品店 Musical Instruments & Supplies

    11 内饰塑料件 plastic parts for interior trim

    12 送餐服务 Meal Delivery

    13 随意贴/魔术贴 Refastenable Tape/Velcro Tape

    14 下班前 At the end of workshift

    15 做纸浆用的磨碎之木料 Groundwood pulp for paper

    1 ..... 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20