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    译典分类展示:口语表达 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 包你满意 Your satisfaction is guaranteed.

    2 恭喜发财 Happy New Year and hope you strike it rich!

    3 今天你开心吗 Are you happy today

    4 脸皮真厚 You have a lot of nerve.

    5 那不算! That doesn’t count.

    6 你被捕了 You are under arrest.

    7 你明白了 You’ve got it.

    8 你呢 What about you

    9 你真粗心 You’re so careless.

    10 你自找的 You asked for it.

    11 你做得对 You did right.

    12 年年有余 May you always get more than you wish for.

    13 世事难料 You never know.

    14 我同意 You can say that again.

    15 迎春接福 May the New Year bring you good fortune.

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