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    译典分类展示:习语名句 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 心灰意懒 feel pessimistic and discouraged

    2 心惊胆战 tremble with fear

    3 心惊肉跳 have the jitters

    4 心口如一 speak one’s mind frankly

    5 心旷神怡 be carefree and happy

    6 心旷神怡 relaxed and carefree

    7 心劳日拙 get nothing for all one’s pains

    8 心力交瘁 feel mentally and physically exhausted

    9 心领神会 know or understand something without being told

    10 心乱如麻 utterly confused and disconcerted

    11 心平气和 calm and reasonable

    12 心如刀割 grief-stricken

    13 心如止水 be at peace with oneself

    14 心神不定 be uneasy

    15 心事重重 something weighs heavily on one’s mind

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