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    译典分类展示:习语名句 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 万家灯火 (a night scene of a city or town)a myriad of twinkling lights

    2 万家灯火 (a light scene of a city or town)a myriad of twinkling lights

    3 万籁俱寂 ( in the dead of night)all is quiet

    4 万马奔腾 a thunderous roaring sound

    5 万马奔腾 a thunderous or roaring sound

    6 万马齐喑 the people’s voices are stifled

    7 万目睽睽 under the glare of the public

    8 万念俱灰 extremely pessimistic

    9 万人空巷 (to watch a spectacle,welcome a hero etc.)everyone (in a city)turns out

    10 万世流芳 remembered throughout the ages

    11 万事大吉 all is well with everything

    12 万事亨通 everything goes off without a hitch

    13 万事亨通 sail with the wind

    14 万寿无疆 (birthday greetings)may you have a long life

    15 万水千山 a long and arduous journey

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