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    译典分类展示:习语名句 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 一唱一和 (said of two persons on the same side of an argument,etc.)one echoes the other

    2 一筹莫展 be at a loss what to do

    3 一触即发 collapse at the first encounter

    4 一触即发 imminent crisis

    5 一蹴而就 reach one’s aim in one move

    6 一刀两断 sever relations with one stroke

    7 一帆风顺 proceed smoothly without a hitch

    8 一饭千金 reward a benefactor handsomely for past help or favor

    9 一改故辙 change one’s old ways

    10 一概而论 treat matters in an undiscriminating manner

    11 一干二净 thoroughly or completely

    12 一鼓作气 (of a challenge,difficult task etc.)brace oneself

    13 一国三公 too many leader in a country or organization

    14 一哄而散 disperse or break up in a hubbub

    15 一呼百诺 have hundreds of attendants at one’s beck and call
