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    译典分类展示:学习英语 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 不论如何 no matter what it costs;At any price

    2 行为愚蠢可笑 Ass about;joke around

    3 很快;随时 At any moment;any time now

    4 就一般情形而言 As things go;the way things are

    5 冒一切危险;无论如何 At all risks;braving danger

    6 杀价;减低价格 At a premium;at a bonus

    7 通常;照常 As usual;just like always;the same as always

    8 我们的说 As we call it;as it is known as

    9 陷入困境 At bay

    10 向..要求 request someone to;Ask someone to

    11 一定;无论如何;冒着任何危险 At any risk;whatever

    12 以低的价钱;便宜地 At a low cost;cheaply

    13 因A连想B Associate A with B;think of A with B

    14 在近处 At a distance;from afar

    15 在一小段距离处 At a distance;from afar

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