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    译典分类展示:文学表达 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 大闹天宫 Making Havoc in Heaven

    2 大闹无底洞 Fighting in the Bottomless Cave

    3 刮骨疗毒 Scrape the Poison off the Bone

    4 呼吸试验 Breathalyzer test

    5 计取陈仓 Taking Chencang by Using a Clever Strategy

    6 计收姜维 Winning Over Jiang Wei by a Clever Stratagem

    7 闹蟠桃会 Chaos at the Feast of Peaches

    8 千里眼顺风耳 Thousand-Mile Eye and Wind-Accompanying Ear

    9 三打白骨精 Monkey Hit Lady White Bone Thrice

    10 三借芭蕉扇 Monkey Makes Three Attempts to Borrow the Plantain Fan

    11 水淹七军 Guan Yu Floods Seven Armies

    12 唐僧取经 The Tang Priest’s Journey for Scriptures

    13 跳出八卦炉 Leaping out of the Eight Trigrams Furnace

    14 希望我们的爱情恒久不灭 May our love last forever

    15 鱼精作怪 Fish Spirit Makes Trouble
