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    译典分类展示:中国大陆 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 空难 Air disaster;aviation accident;air-crash

    2 空嫂 Married air hostess

    3 控编 Control the manning quotas

    4 控产 Control production(scale)

    5 口感 Texture(of foods)

    6 扣题 Keep to the point(或subject);be relevant to the subject(或topic)

    7 跨系 Interdepartmental

    8 块块 Lateral relations between regions

    9 快班 Accelerated class;fast set

    10 快餐 quick(或ready-to-eat)meal

    11 宽松 relieved;free and easy;Relaxed

    12 款姐 Young female tycoon(或moneybags)

    13 扩版 Expansion of page volume(of a newspaper,etc.)

    14 扩产 Extend(或expand)production

    15 扩权 Extend one’s power

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