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    译典分类展示:中国大陆 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 牵头 spearhead;lead off;take the lead(in doing sth.);start the ball rolling;Be the first(to do sth.)

    2 强人 superman

    3 强势 upward trend;Strong momentum

    4 强手 Very capable person

    5 强项 One’s forte(or stock-in-trade);strong point/specialty event(of an athlete or team)

    6 强者 The strong

    7 抢拍 Take a snapshot

    8 抢手 much sought-after;popular;In great demand

    9 抢滩 (be the first to)dominate the market

    10 侨办 Office of overseas Chinese affairs/run by overseas Chinese enterprise

    11 侨乡 hometown of overseas Chinese;Village or town inhabited by relatives of overseas Chinese and returned overseas Chinese

    12 侨资 overseas Chinese capital(or investments);Overseas Chinese funds(invested in China)

    13 轻骑 Scooter

    14 清咖 Black coffee

    15 清运 Clear and remove

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