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    译典分类展示:中国大陆 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 劲舞 Disco;discotheque

    2 净值 Net value(或worth)

    3 纠风 Check unhealthy tendencies and malpractice

    4 举坛 Circle of weighter lifters

    5 巨片 Great film;hit movie;mega hit

    6 拒礼 Refuse to accept gifts

    7 拒聘 Effuse(或reject;turn down)an appointment(to a position);refuse to be hired(on contract)

    8 拒请 Refuse(或turn down)an invitation(to a banquet,etc.)

    9 拒载 (of a taxi driver,etc.)refuse to carry(或take on;pick up)a passenger

    10 剧组 Production unit(for a play,opera,etc.)

    11 捐办 Contribute money to initiate sth

    12 捐建 Make donations for the construction(或setting up)of

    13 捐资 Contribute(capital and goods);make donations

    14 军嫂 Wife of an army man

    15 均价 Average price
