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    译典分类展示:历史机构名称 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 捕盗案 SONG:Section for the Arrest of Bandits

    2 布政司 MING-QING:common abbreviated reference to “承宣布政使司” (Provincial Administration commission)

    3 材料案 SONG:Section for Building Materials

    4 财赋都总管府 YUAN:Supreme Supervisorate-in-Chief or Revenues

    5 财赋司 SONG:Revenues Office

    6 裁造署 SONG-JIN:Ornaments Office

    7 裁种提举司 YUAN:Supervisorate of Agriculture

    8 采捕衙门 QING:Harvesting Office (in the Imperial Household Department “内务府”)

    9 采沙所 YUAN:Sand Gathering Office

    10 参旗军 TANG:Army of the Celestial Lion’s Pelt (one of 12 regional supervisory headquarters for militia garrisons)

    11 参酌院 TANG:Constructive Office

    12 仓部曹 N-S DIV (S. Dyn):variant of “仓部司” (Granary Section)

    13 仓部司 1、N-S DIV (3 Kingd Wei)-SUI:Granary Section 2、SUI-SONG,MING:Granaries Bureau

    14 仓货监 TANG:Directorate of Granaries and Commerce

    15 仓库署 YUAN:Office for Granaries and Storehouse (in the Establishment of the Heir Apparent)
