属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
1 | 具有动态分层调整的自适应预报编码 | adaptive predictive coding with dynamic quantization adjustment |
2 | 具有极大似然编码器的自适应预报编码 | adaptive predictive coding with maximum likelihood quantizer |
3 | 具有程序控制可寻址存储的计算器 | calculator with program controlled addressable storage |
4 | 具有一定数字数据处理的计算器 | calculator with specified numerical data processing capacity |
5 | 具有可控制寻址的键盘存储计算器 | calculators with keyboard controlled addressable storages |
6 | 具有冲突检测总线的载波感知多路存取 | carrier sense multiple accesses with collision detection bus |
7 | 具有冲突检测系统的载波感知多路存取 | carrier sense multiple accesses with collision detection systems |
8 | 具有冲突检测的载波感知多路存取 | carrier sense multiple accesses with collision detections |
9 | 卡型盒式磁带机 | cassette tape unit;magnetic tape cassette;magnetic tape cassette equipment |
10 | 计算机械通讯协会 | Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery |
11 | 计算复杂性 | computational complexity;complexity of computating;computing complexity |
12 | 计算机自动实时博弈信息网络 | computer automated real-time betting information network |
13 | 计算机控制私人自动分支交换 | computer controlled private automatic branch exchange |
14 | 计算机开发有限自动编码系统 | computer developments limited automatic coding system |
15 | 计算机辅助功能分配评价系统 | computer-aided function allocation evaluation system |
16 | 计算机辅助机械工程设计系统 | computer-aided mechanical engineering design system |
17 | 计算机辅助医学诊断系统 | computer-aided medical diagnostics system;computeraided medical diagnostics system |
18 | 计算机控制的私人自动分支交换 | computer-controlled private automatic branch exchange |
19 | 计算机化面向问题医疗信息系统 | computerized problem-oriented medical information system |
20 | 计算机控制的存储器测试系统 | computer-operated memory test system;computeroperated memory test system |
21 | 开始工作(着手工作) | get to work;go about work;goes about work;goes to work;gone about work;gone to work;got to work;gotten to work;set about work;set to work |
22 | 揪成一团(认真对待) | got to grips;got to grips with;got to handgrips with;gotten to grips;gotten to grips with;gotten to handgrips;gotten to handgrips with |
23 | 交互式计算机辅助技术 | interactive computer-aided technology;interactive computeraided technology |
24 | 加工数据库系统 | manufacture data base system;machine data base system;machine data bank system |
25 | 技术处理设备分配器协会 | Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association |
26 | 金属绝缘子半导体区域效应晶体管 | metal insulator semiconductor field-effect transistor |
27 | 金属氮化硅氧化物半导体存储器 | metal nitride oxide semiconductor memory;metalnitrideoxidesemiconductor memory |
28 | 金属氧化半导体先进集成电路 | metal oxide semiconductor advanced integrated circuit |
29 | 金属氧化半导体区域效应晶体管 | metal-oxide-semiconductor field effects transistor,metal-oxide-semiconductor-field-effect-transistor |
30 | 记叙描述 | narrative description;north american presentation level protocol syntax |
31 | 节点导纳矩阵 | node admittance matrix;nodal admittance natrix;node node admittance matrix |
32 | 降级时间间隔误差性能比例 | percentages of error performance degraded time intervals |
33 | 加利福尼亚南部结构工程师协会 | Structural Engineers Association of Southern California |
34 | 巨园轨道重返大气测试集成环境 | supercircular orbital reentry test integrated environment |
35 | 紧紧地跟随(尾随) | tag herself on to;tag himself on to;tag myself on to;tag on to;tag ourselves on to;tag themselves on to;tag yourself on to;tagged herself on to;tagged himself on to;tagged on to;tagged ourselves on to;tagged themselves on to |
36 | 揭人隐私(泄露秘密) | tell tales;tell tales out of school;told tales;told tales out of school |
37 | 救人于危难之境 | threw myself into the breach;throw himself into the breach;threw himself into the breach;threw yourself into the breach;throw myself into the breach;threw themselves into the breach |
38 | 紧随之后(接踵而至) | tread on the heels of;tread upon the heels of;trod on the heels of;trod upon the heels of;trodden on the heels of;trodden upon the heels of |
39 | 加利福尼亚大学结构工程实验室 | University of California Structural Engineering Laboratory |
40 | 加利福尼亚南部大学航空实验室 | University of Southern California Aeronautical Laboratory |
1 | adaptive predictive coding with dynamic quantization adjustment | 具有动态分层调整的自适应预报编码 | |
2 | adaptive predictive coding with maximum likelihood quantizer | 具有极大似然编码器的自适应预报编码 | |
3 | calculator with program controlled addressable storage | 具有程序控制可寻址存储的计算器 | |
4 | calculator with specified numerical data processing capacity | 具有一定数字数据处理的计算器 | |
5 | calculators with keyboard controlled addressable storages | 具有可控制寻址的键盘存储计算器 | |
6 | carrier sense multiple accesses with collision detection bus | 具有冲突检测总线的载波感知多路存取 | |
7 | carrier sense multiple accesses with collision detection systems | 具有冲突检测系统的载波感知多路存取 | |
8 | carrier sense multiple accesses with collision detections | 具有冲突检测的载波感知多路存取 | |
9 | cassette tape unit;magnetic tape cassette;magnetic tape cassette equipment | 卡型盒式磁带机 | |
10 | Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery | 计算机械通讯协会 | |
11 | computational complexity;complexity of computating;computing complexity | 计算复杂性 | |
12 | computer automated real-time betting information network | 计算机自动实时博弈信息网络 | |
13 | computer controlled private automatic branch exchange | 计算机控制私人自动分支交换 | |
14 | computer developments limited automatic coding system | 计算机开发有限自动编码系统 | |
15 | computer-aided function allocation evaluation system | 计算机辅助功能分配评价系统 | |
16 | computer-aided mechanical engineering design system | 计算机辅助机械工程设计系统 | |
17 | computer-aided medical diagnostics system;computeraided medical diagnostics system | 计算机辅助医学诊断系统 | |
18 | computer-controlled private automatic branch exchange | 计算机控制的私人自动分支交换 | |
19 | computerized problem-oriented medical information system | 计算机化面向问题医疗信息系统 | |
20 | computer-operated memory test system;computeroperated memory test system | 计算机控制的存储器测试系统 | |
21 | get to work;go about work;goes about work;goes to work;gone about work;gone to work;got to work;gotten to work;set about work;set to work | 开始工作(着手工作) | |
22 | got to grips;got to grips with;got to handgrips with;gotten to grips;gotten to grips with;gotten to handgrips;gotten to handgrips with | 揪成一团(认真对待) | |
23 | interactive computer-aided technology;interactive computeraided technology | 交互式计算机辅助技术 | |
24 | manufacture data base system;machine data base system;machine data bank system | 加工数据库系统 | |
25 | Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association | 技术处理设备分配器协会 | |
26 | metal insulator semiconductor field-effect transistor | 金属绝缘子半导体区域效应晶体管 | |
27 | metal nitride oxide semiconductor memory;metalnitrideoxidesemiconductor memory | 金属氮化硅氧化物半导体存储器 | |
28 | metal oxide semiconductor advanced integrated circuit | 金属氧化半导体先进集成电路 | |
29 | metal-oxide-semiconductor field effects transistor,metal-oxide-semiconductor-field-effect-transistor | 金属氧化半导体区域效应晶体管 | |
30 | narrative description;north american presentation level protocol syntax | 记叙描述 | |
31 | node admittance matrix;nodal admittance natrix;node node admittance matrix | 节点导纳矩阵 | |
32 | percentages of error performance degraded time intervals | 降级时间间隔误差性能比例 | |
33 | Structural Engineers Association of Southern California | 加利福尼亚南部结构工程师协会 | |
34 | supercircular orbital reentry test integrated environment | 巨园轨道重返大气测试集成环境 | |
35 | tag herself on to;tag himself on to;tag myself on to;tag on to;tag ourselves on to;tag themselves on to;tag yourself on to;tagged herself on to;tagged himself on to;tagged on to;tagged ourselves on to;tagged themselves on to | 紧紧地跟随(尾随) | |
36 | tell tales;tell tales out of school;told tales;told tales out of school | 揭人隐私(泄露秘密) | |
37 | threw myself into the breach;throw himself into the breach;threw himself into the breach;threw yourself into the breach;throw myself into the breach;threw themselves into the breach | 救人于危难之境 | |
38 | tread on the heels of;tread upon the heels of;trod on the heels of;trod upon the heels of;trodden on the heels of;trodden upon the heels of | 紧随之后(接踵而至) | |
39 | University of California Structural Engineering Laboratory | 加利福尼亚大学结构工程实验室 | |
40 | University of Southern California Aeronautical Laboratory | 加利福尼亚南部大学航空实验室 |