属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
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属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
1 | 阿弥陀佛 | 1.【宗教】(of Buddhism)Amitabha Buddha;2.May Buddha preserve us.3.merciful Buddha |
2 | 能言善辩 | 1.eloquent;2.to have a silver tongue;3.plausibility |
3 | 今是昨非 | 1.Present are right and past are wrong.;2.To step onto the right path as of today and to say goodbye to the wrongdoings of the past. |
4 | 开天辟地 | 1.the creation of the world;2.since the dawn of history;3.to open |
5 | 今非昔比 | 1.The present cannot compare with the past.;2.Time has changed and the good old days are gone. |
6 | 暗渡陈仓 | 1.to advance secretly by an unknown path;2.to have illicit sexual relations |
7 | 削足适履 | 1.to cut the feet to fit the shoes;2.an impractical solution of a problem |
8 | 附庸风雅 | 1.to show a pretentious artistic style or a false or exaggerated interest in art;2.arty |
9 | 昂首阔步 | 1.to stride forward with one’s chin up;to stride proudly ahead2.a swaggering pace |
10 | 釜底抽薪 | 1.to take away the firewood from under the caldron;2.to remove the ultimate cause of trouble |
11 | 难解难分 | 1.would neither give in;2.to be wrapped up in;3.to be difficult to separate |
12 | 借尸还魂 | 2.(of a dead person’s soul)to find reincarnation in another’s corpse;1.(of something evil)to revive in a new guise |
13 | 承上启下 | 2.to pass on(learning,etc.);1.to carry on;to continue(a statement,an account,etc.) |
14 | 釜底游鱼 | a person whose fate is sealed;a fish swimming in the bottom of a caldron |
15 | 付诸东流 | irrevocably lost;thrown into the eastward flowing stream;all one’s efforts wasted |
16 | 金科玉律 | laws and regulations;1.golden laws and precious rules;2.One’s words are virgin gold and solid rock. |
17 | 笑里藏刀 | nasty-nice;1.to hide a dagger behind a smile 2.with murderous intent behind one’s smiles;with a murderous heart under a smiling exterior3.very treacherous |
18 | 安分守己 | to abide by the law and do one’s duty;to one’s place;to be content with one’s lot |
19 | 惩前毖后 | to act cautiously in consequence of the penalty received for a previous offense |
20 | 看破红尘 | to be cynical;to be disillusioned with this human world;to see through the vanity of the world;to die to worldly affairs |
21 | 心灰意懒 | to be dispirited;1.[Literal]the heart dispirited and the mind indolent;to be crestfallen;2.to be disheartened;to be extremely discouraged;to be downhearted |
22 | 心花怒放 | to be wild with joy;to be elated;to feel exuberantly happy;to burst with joy |
23 | 开源节流 | to broaden sources of income and reduce expenditure;to increase income and decrease expenditure;to tap new resources and economize on expense |
24 | 开门见山 | to declare one’s intention right at the outset;to come straight to the point;to talk or write right to the point |
25 | 销声匿迹 | to disappear from the scene;to keep silent and lie low;to go into hiding;to disconnect into silence |
26 | 小试锋芒 | to display only a small part of one’s talent;to make a casual demonstration of one’s capability |
27 | 借酒浇愁 | to drink to drown trouble;to take solace in alcohol;to drown one’s sorrows in liquor;to drink one’s sorrows away;to drink sorrow down;to drown grief in drinking |
28 | 心劳日拙 | to fare worse and worse for all one’s scheming;to make tiring and useless pretensions |
29 | 心安理得 | to feel no qualm;to have achieved a perfect peace of mind;1.to feel at ease and justified;to have an easy conscience |
30 | 安步当车 | to go on shank’s mare;1.to walk over leisurely instead of riding in a carriage;2.To go leisurely on foot is as good as(going about)in a chariot. |
31 | 慷慨解囊 | to loosen one’s purse strings generously;to give alms liberally;to contribute to the fund with an open heart |
32 | 借花献佛 | to make a present provided by somebody else;to borrow something to make a gift of it;to get things from another person to entertain one’s own guests;to present Buddha with borrowed flowers |
33 | 唉声叹气 | to moan and groan;to sigh in despair;to sigh and moan;to mope and sigh;to heave deep sighs(of sorrow,weariness,frustration,etc.) |
34 | 充耳不闻 | to plug one’s ears and refuse to listen;to shut one’s ears and not to listen to;to turn a deaf ear to;to refuse to hear;to hear but pay no attention to |
35 | 负隅顽抗 | to put up a last-ditch struggle;to make a desperate struggle;(of an enemy or a robber)to fight stubbornly with one’s back to the wall |
36 | 抚今追昔 | to reflect on the past in the light of the present;to recall the past and compare it with the present |
37 | 借题发挥 | to seize on an incident to exaggerate matters;to make an issue of;to make use of a subject as a pretext for one’s flown talk;to make use of the subject under discussion to put over one’s own ideas |
38 | 开宗明义 | to state the purpose from the very beginning;to make clear the purpose and main theme from the very beginning |
39 | 乘人之危 | to take advantage of others’ difficulties;to utilize the precarious situation sb. is in |
40 | 崇洋媚外 | to worship foreign things and fawn on foreign powers |
1 | 1.【宗教】(of Buddhism)Amitabha Buddha;2.May Buddha preserve us.3.merciful Buddha | 阿弥陀佛 | |
2 | 1.eloquent;2.to have a silver tongue;3.plausibility | 能言善辩 | |
3 | 1.Present are right and past are wrong.;2.To step onto the right path as of today and to say goodbye to the wrongdoings of the past. | 今是昨非 | |
4 | 1.the creation of the world;2.since the dawn of history;3.to open | 开天辟地 | |
5 | 1.The present cannot compare with the past.;2.Time has changed and the good old days are gone. | 今非昔比 | |
6 | 1.to advance secretly by an unknown path;2.to have illicit sexual relations | 暗渡陈仓 | |
7 | 1.to cut the feet to fit the shoes;2.an impractical solution of a problem | 削足适履 | |
8 | 1.to show a pretentious artistic style or a false or exaggerated interest in art;2.arty | 附庸风雅 | |
9 | 1.to stride forward with one’s chin up;to stride proudly ahead2.a swaggering pace | 昂首阔步 | |
10 | 1.to take away the firewood from under the caldron;2.to remove the ultimate cause of trouble | 釜底抽薪 | |
11 | 1.would neither give in;2.to be wrapped up in;3.to be difficult to separate | 难解难分 | |
12 | 2.(of a dead person’s soul)to find reincarnation in another’s corpse;1.(of something evil)to revive in a new guise | 借尸还魂 | |
13 | 2.to pass on(learning,etc.);1.to carry on;to continue(a statement,an account,etc.) | 承上启下 | |
14 | a person whose fate is sealed;a fish swimming in the bottom of a caldron | 釜底游鱼 | |
15 | irrevocably lost;thrown into the eastward flowing stream;all one’s efforts wasted | 付诸东流 | |
16 | laws and regulations;1.golden laws and precious rules;2.One’s words are virgin gold and solid rock. | 金科玉律 | |
17 | nasty-nice;1.to hide a dagger behind a smile 2.with murderous intent behind one’s smiles;with a murderous heart under a smiling exterior3.very treacherous | 笑里藏刀 | |
18 | to abide by the law and do one’s duty;to one’s place;to be content with one’s lot | 安分守己 | |
19 | to act cautiously in consequence of the penalty received for a previous offense | 惩前毖后 | |
20 | to be cynical;to be disillusioned with this human world;to see through the vanity of the world;to die to worldly affairs | 看破红尘 | |
21 | to be dispirited;1.[Literal]the heart dispirited and the mind indolent;to be crestfallen;2.to be disheartened;to be extremely discouraged;to be downhearted | 心灰意懒 | |
22 | to be wild with joy;to be elated;to feel exuberantly happy;to burst with joy | 心花怒放 | |
23 | to broaden sources of income and reduce expenditure;to increase income and decrease expenditure;to tap new resources and economize on expense | 开源节流 | |
24 | to declare one’s intention right at the outset;to come straight to the point;to talk or write right to the point | 开门见山 | |
25 | to disappear from the scene;to keep silent and lie low;to go into hiding;to disconnect into silence | 销声匿迹 | |
26 | to display only a small part of one’s talent;to make a casual demonstration of one’s capability | 小试锋芒 | |
27 | to drink to drown trouble;to take solace in alcohol;to drown one’s sorrows in liquor;to drink one’s sorrows away;to drink sorrow down;to drown grief in drinking | 借酒浇愁 | |
28 | to fare worse and worse for all one’s scheming;to make tiring and useless pretensions | 心劳日拙 | |
29 | to feel no qualm;to have achieved a perfect peace of mind;1.to feel at ease and justified;to have an easy conscience | 心安理得 | |
30 | to go on shank’s mare;1.to walk over leisurely instead of riding in a carriage;2.To go leisurely on foot is as good as(going about)in a chariot. | 安步当车 | |
31 | to loosen one’s purse strings generously;to give alms liberally;to contribute to the fund with an open heart | 慷慨解囊 | |
32 | to make a present provided by somebody else;to borrow something to make a gift of it;to get things from another person to entertain one’s own guests;to present Buddha with borrowed flowers | 借花献佛 | |
33 | to moan and groan;to sigh in despair;to sigh and moan;to mope and sigh;to heave deep sighs(of sorrow,weariness,frustration,etc.) | 唉声叹气 | |
34 | to plug one’s ears and refuse to listen;to shut one’s ears and not to listen to;to turn a deaf ear to;to refuse to hear;to hear but pay no attention to | 充耳不闻 | |
35 | to put up a last-ditch struggle;to make a desperate struggle;(of an enemy or a robber)to fight stubbornly with one’s back to the wall | 负隅顽抗 | |
36 | to reflect on the past in the light of the present;to recall the past and compare it with the present | 抚今追昔 | |
37 | to seize on an incident to exaggerate matters;to make an issue of;to make use of a subject as a pretext for one’s flown talk;to make use of the subject under discussion to put over one’s own ideas | 借题发挥 | |
38 | to state the purpose from the very beginning;to make clear the purpose and main theme from the very beginning | 开宗明义 | |
39 | to take advantage of others’ difficulties;to utilize the precarious situation sb. is in | 乘人之危 | |
40 | to worship foreign things and fawn on foreign powers | 崇洋媚外 |