译典词汇分类展示:国外机构名称 次级分类:
Association de Empresas estaltales de Telecommunicacines del Acuerdo Sub Regional Andino
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Association for the Defence of Detainees and Missing Persons
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DISTRIPRESS Association for the Protection of the Environment
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Association for the Advancement of Agricultural Sciences in Africa
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AIPS Association internationale de le fonction publique
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AIM Association Internationale de la Presse Sportive
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Pharmacopoeia Commission of People’s Republic of China;Chinese Pharmacopoeia Commission;ChPC
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AACR Association for the Cooperation in Banana Research in the Caribbean and Tropical America
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ACI Association canadienne francaise pour l’avancement des sciences
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Association des Ressortissants de L’Enclove de Cabinda
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Association Latin-Americana de Educacion Radiofonica
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APC Association for Regional Planning and Development
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APEE Association for Population/Family Planning Libraries and Information Centres/International
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Association for the Study of the World Refugee Problem
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ACFAS Association centrafricaine pour le bien-etre familial
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译典分类展示:国外机构名称 次级分类:
1 | 安第斯分区域协定国家电信事业协会(安第斯电信协会) | Association de Empresas estaltales de Telecommunicacines del Acuerdo Sub Regional Andino |
2 | 保护被拘留者和失踪人员协会 | Association for the Defence of Detainees and Missing Persons |
3 | 保护环境协会 | DISTRIPRESS Association for the Protection of the Environment |
4 | 非洲农业科学促进会(非洲农科会) | Association for the Advancement of Agricultural Sciences in Africa |
5 | 国际公务员协会 | AIPS Association internationale de le fonction publique |
6 | 国际体育记者联合会 | AIM Association Internationale de la Presse Sportive |
7 | 国家药典委员会(药典会) | Pharmacopoeia Commission of People’s Republic of China;Chinese Pharmacopoeia Commission;ChPC |
8 | 加勒比与热带美洲香蕉研究合作协会 | AACR Association for the Cooperation in Banana Research in the Caribbean and Tropical America |
9 | 加拿大-法国科学促进协会 | ACI Association canadienne francaise pour l’avancement des sciences |
10 | 卡奔达飞地侨民协会 | Association des Ressortissants de L’Enclove de Cabinda |
11 | 拉丁美洲无线电话教育协会 | Association Latin-Americana de Educacion Radiofonica |
12 | 区域规划及发展协会 | APC Association for Regional Planning and Development |
13 | 人口/计划生育图书馆和信息中心国际协会 | APEE Association for Population/Family Planning Libraries and Information Centres/International |
14 | 世界难民问题研究协会(难民研究会) | Association for the Study of the World Refugee Problem |
15 | 中非家庭福利协会 | ACFAS Association centrafricaine pour le bien-etre familial |
独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。