
    carnal 对比 flesh
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    (1).中国译典 carnal flesh
    [贬义]肉体方面的;物质方面的;两性生活方面的(= sexual);
    肉体的;世俗的; 淫荡的好色的
    n. 【医学】 【医学】
    ①肉[反][ bone];
    Plump part of the fruit, usually sweet and juicy.
    [U]1. 肉,肌肉,2. (供食用的)兽肉(与鱼,禽的肉相区别),3. (果实的)果肉;(蔬菜的)叶肉,4. (相对于灵魂,精神的)肉体[the S]5. 肉欲,情欲[the S]6. 众生,7. 肉色,vt.1. 用肉喂养,2. 使长肉,使肥[(+up)]vi.1. 【口】长肉,发胖[(+up/out)]
    (2).维基词典 carnal flesh
    Relating to the physical and especially sexual appetites.
    Worldly or earthly; temporal.
    Of or relating to the body or flesh.
    The soft tissue of the body, especially muscle and fat.
    The skin of a human or animal.
    Bare arms, bare legs, bare torso.
    Animal tissue regarded as food; meat (but sometimes excluding fish).
    The human body as a physical entity.
    The mortal body of a human being, contrasted with the spirit or soul.
    The evil and corrupting principle working in man.
    The soft, often edible, parts of fruits or vegetables.
    Tenderness of feeling; gentleness.
    Kindred; stock; race.
    A yellowish pink colour; the colour of some Caucasian human skin.
    To bury (something, especially a weapon) in flesh.
    To inure or habituate someone in or to a given practice. 16th-18th c.
    To put flesh on; to fatten.
    To add details.
    To remove the flesh from the skin during the making of leather.
    (3).牛津词典 carnal flesh
    relating to physical, especially sexual, needs and activities
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 carnal flesh
    Of or pertaining to the body or its appetites; animal; fleshly; sensual; given to sensual indulgence; lustful; human or worldly as opposed to spiritual.
    Flesh-devouring; cruel; ravenous; bloody.
    The aggregate of the muscles, fat, and other tissues which cover the framework of bones in man and other animals; especially, the muscles.
    Animal food, in distinction from vegetable; meat; especially, the body of beasts and birds used as food, as distinguished from fish.
    The human body, as distinguished from the soul; the corporeal person.
    The human eace; mankind; humanity.
    Human nature
    In a bad sense, tendency to transient or physical pleasure; desire for sensual gratification; carnality.
    Kindred; stock; race.
    The soft, pulpy substance of fruit; also, that part of a root, fruit, and the like, which is fit to be eaten.
    To feed with flesh, as an incitement to further exertion; to initiate; - from the practice of training hawks and dogs by feeding them with the first game they take, or other flesh. Hence, to use upon flesh (as a murderous weapon) so as to draw blood, especially for the first time.
    To glut; to satiate; hence, to harden, to accustom.
    To remove flesh, membrance, etc., from, as from hides.