
    ecstasy 对比 euphoria
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 ecstasy euphoria
    [U][C]1. 狂喜;出神;入迷[(+of/over)]2. (宗教的)入迷状态,3. 合成迷幻药
    【医学】 【中医】
    安乐感, 陶醉, 陶醉感
    扩展解释:n. 【医学】 【医学】
    (2).维基词典 ecstasy euphoria
    Intense pleasure.
    A state of emotion so intense that a person is carried beyond rational thought and self-control.
    A trance, frenzy, or rapture associated with mystic or prophetic exaltation.
    Violent emotion or distraction of mind; excessive grief from anxiety; insanity; madness.
    The drug MDMA, a synthetic entactogen of the methylenedioxyphenethylamine family, especially in a tablet form.
    A state in which sensibility, voluntary motion, and (largely) mental power are suspended; the body is erect and inflexible; but the pulse and breathing are not affected.
    To experience intense pleasure.
    To cause intense pleasure in.
    An excited state of joy; a feeling of intense happiness.
    (3).牛津词典 ecstasy euphoria
    a feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 ecstasy euphoria
    The state of being beside one’s self or rapt out of one’s self; a state in which the mind is elevated above the reach of ordinary impressions, as when under the influence of overpowering emotion; an extraordinary elevation of the spirit, as when the soul, unconscious of sensible objects, is supposed to contemplate heavenly mysteries.
    Excessive and overmastering joy or enthusiasm; rapture; enthusiastic delight.
    Violent distraction of mind; violent emotion; excessive grief of anxiety; insanity; madness.
    A state which consists in total suspension of sensibility, of voluntary motion, and largely of mental power. The body is erect and inflexible; the pulsation and breathing are not affected.
    To fill ecstasy, or with rapture or enthusiasm.
    a strong pleasant feeling of well-being or happiness; it is often caused by attainment of a desired goal or other incident of accomplishment, but may irrationally accompany a pathological manic state.