
    fleece 对比 felt
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    (1).中国译典 fleece felt
    【医学】 【中医】
    1. 羊毛[C]2. (从一只羊身上)一次剪得的羊毛[C]3. 羊毛制的覆盖物;羊毛状物[C][U]4. 绒头织物,vt.1. 剪下(羊)的毛,2. 欺诈;掠夺;剥削[(+of)]
    Thick piece of fabric placed beneath the paper before it is put under the press; the cushions and d...
    毛毡;毡制品,; 把...制成毡,; 用毡覆盖,; 毡合
    vb. 感到;n.毛毡(粘制)
    n. 【机械】
    (2).维基词典 fleece felt
    Hair or wool of a sheep or similar animal
    Insulating skin with the wool attached
    A textile similar to velvet, but with a longer pile that gives it a softness and a higher sheen.
    An insulating wooly jacket
    Mat or felts composed of fibers, sometimes used as a membrane backer.
    Any soft woolly covering resembling a fleece.
    The fine web of cotton or wool removed by the doffing knife from the cylinder of a carding machine.
    To con or trick (someone) out of money.
    To shear the fleece from (a sheep or other animal).
    To cover with, or as if with, wool.
    A cloth or stuff made of matted fibres of wool, or wool and fur, fulled or wrought into a compact substance by rolling and pressure, with lees or size, without spinning or weaving.
    A hat made of felt.
    A skin or hide; a fell; a pelt.
    To make into felt, or a feltlike substance; to cause to adhere and mat together.
    To cover with, or as if with, felt.
    (poker) To cause a player to lose all their chips.
    That has been experienced or perceived.
    (3).牛津词典 fleece felt
    the woolly covering of a sheep or goat
    the wool shorn from a sheep in a single piece at one time
    a representation of a fleece suspended from a ring.
    a soft warm fabric with a texture similar to sheep’s wool, used as a lining material
    a jacket or other garment made from a fleece fabric.
    obtain a great deal of money from (someone), typically by overcharging or swindling them
    cover as if with a fleece
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 fleece felt
    The entire coat of wool that covers a sheep or other similar animal; also, the quantity shorn from a sheep, or animal, at one time.
    Any soft woolly covering resembling a fleece.
    The fine web of cotton or wool removed by the doffing knife from the cylinder of a carding machine.
    To deprive of a fleece, or natural covering of wool.
    To strip of money or other property unjustly, especially by trickery or fraud; to bring to straits by oppressions and exactions.
    To spread over as with wool.
    imp. & p. p. or a. from Feel.
    A cloth or stuff made of matted fibers of wool, or wool and fur, fulled or wrought into a compact substance by rolling and pressure, with lees or size, without spinning or weaving.
    A hat made of felt.
    A skin or hide; a fell; a pelt.the grain of timber which is transverse to the annular rings or plates; the direction of the medullary rays in oak and some other timber.