
    give 对比 donate
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
  • Give】 , 【present】 ,  【donate】 ,  【bestow】 ,  【confer】 ,  【afford】  are comparable when meaning to convey something or make something over or available to another as his possession.

    Give】 is the general term meaning to pass over, deliver, or transmit something which becomes the receiver’s to own, to use, to enjoy, or to dispose of.

    Present】 is more formal or ceremonious.

    Donate】 usually implies publicity attending the giving or a public cause or charity as the recipient of the gift.

    Bestow】 implies the settling of something on one as a gift.

    To  【confer】 is to 【give】 graciously or as a favor or honor.

    To  【afford】 is to 【give】 or 【bestow】 especially as a natural or legitimate consequence of the character of what gives.

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