
    grate 对比 great
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 grate great
    Metal grille supporting the cookware over the burners.
    n. 【机械】
    [C]1. 炉栅,炉格,2. 火炉,壁炉,A fire was burning in the grate.,壁炉内火在燃烧着。,3. (门窗等的)铁格栅,vt.1. 装炉栅于;装格栅于
    (2).维基词典 grate great
    A horizontal metal grill through which water, ash, or small objects can fall, while larger objects cannot.
    A frame or bed, or kind of basket, of iron bars, for holding fuel while burning.
    To furnish with grates; to protect with a grating or crossbars.
    To shred things, usually foodstuffs, by rubbing across a grater.
    To make an unpleasant rasping sound, often as the result of rubbing against something.
    To grate on one’s nerves; to irritate or annoy.
    To annoy.
    Serving to gratify; agreeable.
    Relatively large in scale, size, extent, number (i. e. having many parts or members) or duration (i. e. relatively long); very big.
    Of larger size or more importance than others of its kind.
    Involving more generations than the word qualified implies (from 1510s). [see Derived terms]
    Pregnant; large with young; full of.
    Intimate; familiar.
    Extreme or more than usual.
    Of significant importance or consequence; important.
    Arising from or possessing superior; commanding; heroic; illustrious; eminent.
    Impressive or striking.
    Much in use; favoured.
    Endowed with extraordinary powers; of exceptional talents or achievements; uncommonly gifted; able to accomplish vast results; remarkable; strong; powerful; mighty; noble.
    Title referring to an important leader.
    Doing or active or enthusiastic.
    Skilful or adroit.
    Very good; excellent; wonderful; fantastic (from 1848).
    Intensifying a word or expression, used in mild oaths.
    Expression of gladness and content about something.
    sarcastic inversion thereof.
    A person of major significance, accomplishment or acclaim.
    The main division in a pipe organ, usually the loudest division.
    very well in a very satisfactory manner
    (3).韦伯斯特词典 grate great
    Serving to gratify; agreeable.
    A structure or frame containing parallel or crosed bars, with interstices; a kind of latticework, such as is used ia the windows of prisons and cloisters.
    A frame or bed, or kind of basket, of iron bars, for holding fuel while burning.
    To furnish with grates; to protect with a grating or crossbars; as, to grate a window.
    To rub roughly or harshly, as one body against another, causing a harsh sound; as, to grate the teeth; to produce (a harsh sound) by rubbing.
    To reduce to small particles by rubbing with anything rough or indented; as, to grate a nutmeg.
    To fret; to irritate; to offend.
    To make a harsh sound by friction.
    To produce the effect of rubbing with a hard rough material; to cause wearing, tearing, or bruising. Hence; To produce exasperation, soreness, or grief; to offend by oppression or importunity.
    Large in space; of much size; big; immense; enormous; expanded; - opposed to small and little; as, a great house, ship, farm, plain, distance, length.
    Large in number; numerous; as, a great company, multitude, series, etc.
    Long continued; lengthened in duration; prolonged in time; as, a great while; a great interval.
    Superior; admirable; commanding; - applied to thoughts, actions, and feelings.
    Endowed with extraordinary powers; uncommonly gifted; able to accomplish vast results; strong; powerful; mighty; noble; as, a great hero, scholar, genius, philosopher, etc.
    Holding a chief position; elevated: lofty: eminent; distinguished; foremost; principal; as, great men; the great seal; the great marshal, etc.
    Entitled to earnest consideration; weighty; important; as, a great argument, truth, or principle.
    Pregnant; big (with young).
    More than ordinary in degree; very considerable in degree; as, to use great caution; to be in great pain.
    Older, younger, or more remote, by single generation; - often used before grand to indicate one degree more remote in the direct line of descent; as, great-grandfather (a grandfather’s or a grandmother’s father), great-grandson, etc.
    The whole; the gross; as, a contract to build a ship by the great.