
    lemon 对比 lime
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 lemon lime
    Highly acidic, it is especially used to flavor various recipes and enhance the flavor of certain foo...
    1. 柠檬[C][U]2. 柠檬树[C]3. 柠檬汁[U]4. 柠檬色,淡黄色[U]5. 【俚】令人讨厌的人(或物);瑕疵品;无价值的东西[C]a.1. 含柠檬的;柠檬味的;柠檬色的
    ①石灰[化学符号 CaO];
    Intensely fragrant and used like the lemon; it is an essential ingredient in ceviche, a raw marinate...
    1. 【植】菩提树[C]
    [U],1. 石灰,2. 粘鸟胶(=birdlime),vt.1. 撒石灰于;用石灰水涂刷,2. 涂粘鸟胶于;用粘鸟胶捕(鸟)
    n. 【计算机】
    (2).维基词典 lemon lime
    A yellowish citrus fruit.
    A semitropical evergreen tree, Citrus limon, that bears such fruits.
    A taste or flavour/flavor of lemons.
    A more or less bright shade of yellow associated with lemon fruits.
    A defective or inadequate item or individual.
    A piece of fanfiction involving explicit sex (named after the erotic anime series Cream Lemon).
    Containing or having the flavour/flavor and/or scent of lemons.
    Of the pale yellow colour/color of lemons.
    Smart; cheeky, vocal.
    To flavour with lemon.
    Any inorganic material containing calcium, usually calcium oxide (quicklime) or calcium hydroxide (slaked lime).
    Any gluey or adhesive substance; something which traps or captures someone; sometimes a synonym for birdlime.
    A deciduous tree of the genus Tilia, especially ver=161115; the linden tree, or its wood.
    Any of several green citrus fruit, somewhat smaller and sharper-tasting than a lemon.
    Any of the trees that bear limes, especially key lime, ver=161115.
    A light, somewhat yellowish, green colour associated with the fruits of a lime tree.
    To treat with calcium hydroxide or calcium oxide (lime).
    To smear with birdlime.
    To apply limewash.
    To hang out/socialize in an informal, relaxed environment, especially with friends, for example at a party or on the beach.
    Containing lime or lime juice.
    Having the aroma or flavor of lime.
    (3).牛津词典 lemon lime
    a white caustic alkaline substance consisting of calcium oxide, which is obtained by heating limestone and which combines with water with the production of much heat; quicklime.
    a white alkaline substance consisting of calcium hydroxide, made by adding water to quicklime and used in traditional building methods to make plaster, mortar, and limewash.
    (in general use) any of a number of calcium compounds, especially calcium hydroxide, used as an additive to soil or water.
    a rounded citrus fruit similar to a lemon but greener, smaller, and with a distinctive acid flavour
    a drink made from or flavoured with lime juice
    the evergreen citrus tree which produces limes, widely cultivated in warm climates.
    a bright light green colour like that of a lime
    a deciduous tree with heart-shaped leaves and fragrant yellowish blossom, native to north temperate regions. The pale timber is used for carving and inexpensive furniture.
    an informal social gathering characterized by semi-ritualized talking.
    treat (soil or water) with lime to reduce acidity and improve fertility or oxygen levels
    give (wood) a bleached appearance by treating it with lime
    catch (a bird) with birdlime
    sit or stand around talking with others
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 lemon lime
    An oval or roundish fruit resembling the orange, and containing a pulp usually intensely acid. It is produced by a tropical tree of the genus Citrus, the common fruit known in commerce being that of the species Citrus Limonum or Citrus Medica (var. Limonum). There are many varieties of the fruit, some of which are sweet.
    The tree which bears lemons; the lemon tree.
    A thong by which a dog is led; a leash.
    The linden tree. See Linden.
    The fruit of the Citrus aurantifolia, allied to the lemon, but greener in color; also, the tree which bears it.
    The color of the lime{1}, a yellowish-green.
    Oxide of calcium, CaO; the white or gray, caustic substance, usually called quicklime, obtained by calcining limestone or shells, the heat driving off carbon dioxide and leaving lime. It develops great heat when treated with water, forming slaked lime, and is an essential ingredient of cement, plastering, mortar, etc.
    To smear with a viscous substance, as birdlime.
    To entangle; to insnare.
    To treat with lime, or oxide or hydrate of calcium; to manure with lime; as, to lime hides for removing the hair; to lime sails in order to whiten them; to lime the lawn to decrease acidity of the soil.
    To cement.
    having a yellowish-green color like that of the lime (the fruit).