
    poise 对比 elegance
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    (1).中国译典 poise elegance
    vt. & vi.
    1. 使平衡;使平稳[O]2. 把...拿着不动;使..悬着不动,3. 使(头部等)摆出某种姿势,4. 权衡,考虑,5. 使作好准备[(+for)]vi.1. 平衡;悬着,2. 作好准备[(+for)]3. 犹豫不决,n.[U]1. 镇定,镇静;自信,2. (头部,身体等的)姿势,姿态,3. 平衡,平稳,4. 静谧,安静,5. 法码,秤锤
    n. 【机械】
    n. 【化学】
    高雅, 典雅, 优雅
    1. (举止、服饰、风格等的)优雅,雅致,典雅[U]2. 精致物品[C]3. (思考等的)简洁,精确[U]
    (2).维基词典 poise elegance
    Weight; an amount of weight, the amount something weighs.
    The weight, or mass of metal, used in weighing, to balance the substance weighed.
    That which causes a balance; a counterweight.
    A state of balance, equilibrium or stability.
    Composure; freedom from embarrassment or affectation.
    Mien; bearing or deportment of the head or body.
    A condition of hovering, or being suspended.
    A cgs unit of dynamic viscosity equal to one dyne-second per square centimeter.
    To hang in equilibrium; to be balanced or suspended; hence, to be in suspense or doubt.
    To counterpoise; to counterbalance.
    To be of a given weight; to weigh. 14th-17th c.
    To add weight to, to weigh down. 16th-18th c.
    To hold (something) with or against something else in equilibrium; to balance, counterpose. from 16th c.
    To hold (something) in equilibrium, to hold balanced and ready; to carry (something) ready to be used. from 16th c.
    To keep (something) in equilibrium; to hold suspended or balanced. from 17th c.
    To ascertain, as if by balancing; to weigh.
    Grace, refinement, and beauty in movement, appearance, or manners.
    Restraint and grace of style.
    The beauty of an idea characterized by minimalism and intuitiveness while preserving exactness and precision.
    A refinement or luxury.
    (3).牛津词典 poise elegance
    graceful and elegant bearing in a person
    composure and dignity of manner
    balance; equilibrium
    a unit of dynamic viscosity, such that a tangential force of one dyne per square centimetre causes a velocity change one centimetre per second between two parallel planes separated by one centimetre in a liquid.
    be or cause to be balanced or suspended
    be ready and prepared to do something
    the quality of being graceful and stylish in appearance or manner
    the quality of being pleasingly ingenious and simple; neatness
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 poise elegance
    Weight; gravity; that which causes a body to descend; heaviness.
    The weight, or mass of metal, used in weighing, to balance the substance weighed.
    The state of being balanced by equal weight or power; equipoise; balance; equilibrium; rest.
    That which causes a balance; a counterweight.
    a dignified and self-confident manner; graceful composure and tact in handling difficult social situations.
    To balance; to make of equal weight; as, to poise the scales of a balance.
    To hold or place in equilibrium or equiponderance.
    To counterpoise; to counterbalance.
    To ascertain, as by the balance; to weigh.
    To weigh (down); to oppress.
    To hang in equilibrium; to be balanced or suspended; hence, to be in suspense or doubt.
    The state or quality of being elegant; beauty as resulting from choice qualities and the complete absence of what deforms or impresses unpleasantly; grace given by art or practice; fine polish; refinement; - said of manners, language, style, form, architecture, etc.
    That which is elegant; that which is tasteful and highly attractive.