
    roleplay 对比 fantasy
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    (1).维基词典 roleplay fantasy
    To act out a fantasy, especially with a group.
    To act as a character as part of a fantasy, especially with a group.
    The practice of roleplaying.
    That which comes from one’s imagination.
    The literary genre generally dealing with themes of magic and the supernatural, imaginary worlds and creatures, etc.
    A fantastical design.
    The drug gamma-hydroxybutyric acid.
    To fantasize (about).
    To have a fancy for; to be pleased with; to like.
    To imagine; to conceive mentally.
    (2).牛津词典 roleplay fantasy
    the faculty or activity of imagining impossible or improbable things
    a fanciful mental image, typically one on which a person often dwells and which reflects their conscious or unconscious wishes
    an idea with no basis in reality
    a genre of imaginative fiction involving magic and adventure, especially in a setting other than the real world.
    denoting a competition or league in which participants select imaginary teams from among the players in a real sports league and score points according to the actual performance of their players
    a fantasia.
    imagine the occurrence of; fantasize about
    (3).韦伯斯特词典 roleplay fantasy
    Fancy; imagination; especially, a whimsical or fanciful conception; a vagary of the imagination; whim; caprice; humor.
    Fantastic designs.
    To have a fancy for; to be pleased with; to like; to fancy.