
    scathing 对比 mordant
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
  • Caustic】 , 【mordant】 , 【acrid】 , 【scathing】 are comparable when they mean stingingly incisive.

    Caustic】 usually implies a biting wit, a ready tongue or pen, and the power to drive disagreeable truths home.

    Mordant】 is not always clearly distinguishable from caustic】 . In distinctive use it suggests perhaps greater blighting power or deadlier effectiveness in the thrusts of wit.

    Acrid】 adds to 【caustic】 the implications of bitterness and, often, malevolence.

    Scathing】 retains its basic implication of injuring chiefly in its suggestion of a deliberate intent to scorch or blister. It seldom implies, as the other words of this group often imply, insensitiveness or maliciousness, and it often connotes both righteous indignation and fierce and withering severity.

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