
    sport 对比 fun
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
  • Fun】 , 【jest】 ,  【sport】 ,  【game】 ,  【play】  are comparable when they denote something (as an activity, an utterance, or a form of expression) that provides diversion or amusement or is intended to arouse laughter.

    Fun】 implies amusement or an engagement in what interests as an end in itself, or it may apply to what provides this amusement or interest and then often additionally implies a propensity for laughing or for finding a usually genial cause for laughter or amusement.

    Jest】  (see also JOKE ) is comparable to  【fun】  chiefly in fixed phrases (as in  【jest】  ) or when applied to activity or utterance not to be taken seriously. In such uses, however,  【jest】 commonly carries a stronger implication of ridicule or hoaxing.

    Sport】  (see also  【PLAY】 1 ) is often interchangeable with  【fun】 or  【jest】 . But its most common use is in certain idiomatic phrases (as make 【sport and in 【sport ) in which it suggests an intent to induce amusement or provoke laughter by putting someone or something up to gentle or malicious ridicule.

    Game】  as a close synonym of  【fun】  survives chiefly in the phrase to make 【game】 of where, like  【sport】 in the corresponding idiom, it usually carries a suggestion of mischief or malice and implies a certain ridicule. In more general related use  【game】  (see also games under ATHLETICS ) may apply to an activity carried on in a spirit of 【fun】 .

    Play】 , which stresses in all senses an opposition to earnest , may replace  【fun】  or  【sport】  or  【jest】 when a thoroughly innocuous implication of lack of earnestness or seriousness is desired.

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