1 | 董事会欣然报告本集团截至二零零二年三月三十一日止年度经审核的综合业绩。 | The Directors are pleased to report the audited consolidated results of the Group for the year ended 31st March, 2002. | |
2 | 营业额约为五亿六千万港元,较上年度微降百分之三;除税前盈利约为五千二百万港元,上升达百分之七十二 | Turnover is down slightly by 3% to approximately HK$560 million, while profit before taxation has increased by 72% to approximately HK$52 million. | |
3 | 年内之业绩按主要产品类别分析如下 | An analysis of the results for the year by principal product category is as follows | |
4 | 董事会建议向二零零二年九月六日名列股东名册的股东,派发截至二零零二年三月三十一日的末期股息,每股港币两分(二零零一年:港币一分)。截至二零零二年三月三十一日并无派发中期股息(二零零一年:无) | The Directors recommend a final dividend of HK2 cents (2001: HK1 cent)per share for the year ended 31st March, 2002 payable to shareholders whose names appear on the register of members on 6th September, 2002. No interim dividend has been declared during the year ended 31st March, 2002 (2001: nil). | |
5 | 截至二零零二年三月三十一日,本集团面临重重挑战。 | The year ended 31st March, 2002 was a challenging one for the Group. | |
6 | 年内,环球经济持续低迷,美国发生"九一一"恐怖袭击事件,令情况雪上加霜。 | The deterioration of the global economy that took place during the year was further aggravated by the tragic event happened on 11th September, 2001 in the United States. | |
7 | 上半年度,鉴于消费需求不明朗,客户对补充存货已抱有戒心,在第四季度更明显的削减了订单。 | Customers, who had been cautious about replenishing their inventories in the first half of the year due to the uncertainties in consumer demand, decided to substantially reduce their orders in the fourth quarter | |
8 | 虽然这种冲击其后逐渐减弱,但对集团下半年度的营业额已构成影响,并导致市场竞争加剧,对价格带来额外的压力 | Although the impact has subsequently moderated, it nevertheless affected the Group’s turnover in the second half of the year. Moreover, it gave rise to more intensified market competition that resulted in extra pressure on product prices. | |
9 | 尽管经营环境充满挑战,但集团在这一年度,仍能取得可观的盈利增长。 | It was against this challenging background that the Group managed to achieve significant profit growth for the year. | |
10 | 这不仅反映了集团加强成本控制及提高生产效率的措施得宜,更基本的原因是集团采取了主动出击策略以争取持久稳定的业务增长。 | While it reflected the Group’s tightened cost control and improved production efficiency, the underlying reason can be attributed to the Group’s adoption of a proactive development strategy that is designed for securing long-term sustainable growth. | |
11 | 本年度内,儿童纸类制品继续维持强劲的销售增长。 | During the year, the Group continued to record a strong growth in the sales of children’s paper products. | |
12 | 这些产品具有较佳的抵御经济放缓的能力 | These products proved to be more resilient to the economic downturn | |
13 | 集团采取有效的资源调配,加强拓展该项业务,故能取得理想成绩。 | The Group’s efforts in realigning its resources for the better development of this business have paid off. | |
14 | 环保产品方面,内包装产品销量放缓 | Sales of environmentally friendly products were depressed by the weakened interior packaging business | |
15 | "绿色工程"(Greenworks)产品在下半年度,因市场需求转弱而导致其销量减少 | The sales of “Greenworks” products encountered a setback in the second half of the year due to a fall in demand. | |
16 | 许经营人变为经营权出让人,并于二零零一年十一月终止acoolc.com网址的运作,故该项业务的亏损面已收窄。 | The shifting of this division from being a licensee to becoming a licensor, and the termination of the acoolc.com website in November 2001, have helped to curb its loss. | |
17 | 集团采取主动措施以扩阔收入来源及加强核心竞争力 | The Group took the initiative to expand its source of revenue and to strengthen its core competitiveness. | |
18 | 本年度内,集团决定重新激活位于苏州的附属公司,着手完成厂区基础建设、设备引进、人才招聘和开展营销业务,藉此扩展集团的中国华东业务 | During the year, the Group decided to expand its operations in China by reactivating its subsidiary in Suzhou for the establishment of a new production plant. The infrastructure and machinery installation works have commenced, with staff recruitment and sales and marketing being under way. | |
19 | 集团成立了"星光创意中心"以创新服务加强客户关系、"星光管理学院"以提高员工素质 | The Group has set up the “Starlite Innovation Centre” to enhance its customer relations through providing innovative services, and the “Starlite Institute of Management” to improve its staff proficiency. | |
20 | 董事会预期这些超前部署可令集团享有理想的持久增长。 | The Directors anticipate that these measures will enable the Group to maintain long-term satisfactory growth. |