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(1). There is something new in Gorbachev’s speech in Vladivostok, and that is why we have expressed cautious welcome to what is new and positive in it.
(2). However, his remarks also show that he has not taken a big step.
(3). Soon after Gorbachev made his speech, an official from the Foreign Ministry of the Soviet Union also made a speech that was different in tone.
(4). This shows that the Soviet authorities have to decide among themselves what policies to pursue with regard to China, so we still have to wait and see.
(5). Have you ever met Mr. Gorbachev? No.
(6). Would you like to meet him? He says he will talk at any time, at any level, about anything.
(7). Would you be prepared to meet Gorbachev at the summit?
(8). If Gorbachev takes a solid step towards the removal of the three major obstacles in Sino-Soviet relations, particularly if he urges Vietnam to end its aggression in Kampuchea and withdraw its troops from there, I for my part will be ready to meet him.
(9). The Vietnamese said just this morning that they would like to engage in negotiations with China to bring an end to the difficulties between Vietnam and China.
(10). Vietnam has said that at least a hundred times.
(11). We have told them explicitly that the prerequisite is the withdrawal of all Vietnamese troops from Kampuchea.
(12). The question of Kampuchea should be settled by the four parties in Kampuchea through consultation.
(13). So, as far as a summit between Deng and Gorbachev is concerned, the ball is in Mr. Gorbachev’s court?
(14). He should ask Vietnam to withdraw all its troops from Kampuchea.
(15). On this question, the Soviet Union can play its part.
(16). Because without Soviet backing, the Vietnamese could not go on fighting in Kampuchea for a single day.
(17). Gorbachev evaded this question in his Vladivostok speech.
(18). That is why I say that the Soviet Union has not taken a big step towards the removal of the three major obstacles.
(19). It seems that Chinese relations with capitalist America are better than Chinese relations with the Soviet communists. Why is that?
(20). China does not regard social systems as a criterion in its approach to problems.
(21). The relations between China and the United States are determined in the context of their specific conditions, and so are the relations between China and the Soviet Union.
(22). My producer says that I should ask you once again if you would like to meet Gorbachev.
(23). As I have said, if the Soviet Union can contribute to the withdrawal of Vietnamese troops from Kampuchea, that will remove the main obstacle in Sino-Soviet relations.
(24). I will say it once again, the Vietnamese invasion of Kampuchea constitutes the main obstacle in Sino-Soviet relations.
(25). The stationing of troops by Vietnam in Kampuchea has actually turned Sino-Soviet relations into a hot spot.
(26). Once this problem is solved, I will be ready to meet Gorbachev.
(27). To be frank, I am over 82, already advanced in years.
(28). I have long since accomplished my historical task of making overseas visits, and I am determined not to take any more trips abroad.
(29). However, if this obstacle in Sino-Soviet relations is removed, I shall be ready to break the rule and go to any place in the Soviet Union to meet with Gorbachev.
(30). I believe a meeting like that will be of much significance to the improvement of Sino-Soviet relations and the normalization of relations between the two states.
(31). And what must come first, specifically?
(32). Of the three major obstacles, the main one is Vietnamese aggression against Kampuchea.
(33). Because although it is Vietnamese armed forces that are pitted against China, the hot spot, the confrontation is actually between China and the Soviet Union.
(34). Do you mean the Vietnamese troops in Kampuchea? Yes.
(35). President and Mrs. Reagan watch this programme just about every Sunday night.
(36). And I’m sure they are going to be watching closely on the night of this broadcast.
(37). Do you have any message for President and Mrs. Reagan?
(38). When President and Mrs. Reagan were in China on a visit, we became acquainted.
(39). We had a cordial and frank conversation.
(40). Through your channel, I should like to extend my good wishes to President and Mrs. Reagan.
(41). I hope that during President Reagan’s term of office relations between our two countries will make further progress.
(42). What are the major issues currently dividing China and America?
(43). There are three obstacles in Sino-Soviet relations, and there is one obstacle in Sino-U.S. relations.
(44). That is the Taiwan question, or the question of the reunification of the two sides of the Taiwan Straits.
(45). In the United States people say the U.S. takes a position of ``non-involvement’’ in the question of China’s reunification, that is, the Taiwan question.
(46). This is not true.
(47). The fact is that the United States has been involved all along.
(48). In the 1950s, MacArthur and Dulles regarded Taiwan as an unsinkable U.S. aircraft carrier in Asia and the Pacific.
(49). The Taiwan question was therefore the most important issue in the negotiations on the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States.
(50). Is the United States failing to live up to its commitment to China concerning U.S. relations with Taiwan?
(51). I think the United States should take a wiser approach to this question.
(52). Most regrettably, during the latter period of the Carter Administration, the U.S. Congress adopted the Taiwan Relations Act, which has become an immense obstacle in Chinese-U.S. relations.
(53). As I said just now, I hope that during his term of office President Reagan will bring about further progress in relations between our two countries, including making some effort in respect of China’s reunification.
(54). I believe that the United States, President Reagan in particular, can accomplish something in this connection.
(55). What can they do?
(56). They can encourage and persuade Taiwan first to have ``three exchanges’’ with us, namely, the exchange of mail, trade and air and shipping services.
(57). Contacts of this kind can help enhance mutual understanding between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, thus creating conditions for them to proceed to discuss the question of reunification and ways to achieve it.
通过这种接触,能增进海峡两岸的相互了解,为双方进一步商谈统一问题创造条件。....(please sign in for more)
(58). What’s in it for Taiwan to be reunified with the mainland?
台湾有什么必要同大陆统一....(please sign in for more)
(59). First of all, it is a national question, a question of national sentiments.
这首先是个民族问题,民族的感情问题。....(please sign in for more)
(60). All members of the Chinese nation want to see China reunified.
凡是中华民族子孙,都希望中国能统一....(please sign in for more)
(61). The present state of division is contrary to our national will.
分裂状况是违背民族意志的。....(please sign in for more)
(62). Second, so long as Taiwan is not reunified with the mainland, its status as part of Chinese territory will not be secure.
其次,只要台湾不同大陆统一,台湾作为中国领土的地位是没有保障的....(please sign in for more)
(63). No one knows when Taiwan might be taken away again.
不知道哪一天又被别人拿去了。....(please sign in for more)
(64). Third, in reunifying the country we shall adopt the formula of ``one country, two systems’’, that is to say, the mainland will retain the socialist system while Taiwan will retain the capitalist system.
第三点理由是,我们采取“一国两制”的方式解决统一问题。大陆搞社会主义,台湾搞它的资本主义。....(please sign in for more)
(65). This will bring no change to the social system in Taiwan or the way of life of the people there and will cause them no loss.
这对台湾的社会制度和生活方式不会改变,台湾人民没有损失。....(please sign in for more)
(66). As for the contrast between the levels of development of Taiwan and the mainland, this question should be examined objectively.
至于比较台湾和大陆的发展程度,这个问题要客观地看。....(please sign in for more)
(67). The difference is only temporary.
差距是暂时的。....(please sign in for more)
(68). As far as the mainland is concerned, there have been some mistakes and delays in our national construction during the 37 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China.
拿大陆来说,我们建国三十七年来,有些失误,耽误了....(please sign in for more)
(69). But with the implementation of our present policy on the mainland, the growth rate will be rapid and the gap will be narrowed.
但根据大陆的现行政策,发展速度不会慢,距离正在缩小。....(please sign in for more)
(70). I believe that over the next few years the growth rate on the mainland will, at the least, be no lower than that in Taiwan.
我相信大陆在若干年内至少不会低于台湾的发展速度。....(please sign in for more)
(71). The reason is very simple. Taiwan is short of resources, while the mainland abounds in them.
道理很简单,台湾资源很缺乏,大陆有丰富的资源。....(please sign in for more)
(72). Besides, in terms of overall strength, the mainland is much stronger than Taiwan.
而且就整体力量来说,现在大陆比台湾强得多。....(please sign in for more)
(73). So it is one-sided to compare only Taiwan’s somewhat higher average income with the mainland’s.
所以单就台湾国民平均收入比大陆现在高一些这一点来比较,是不全面的。....(please sign in for more)
(74). To modernize the Chinese economy and develop your country, Chairman Deng, you said China needs Western investment.
中国谈到,搞现代化,发展经济,需要西方的资金....(please sign in for more)
(75). But Western investors complain that China is making it difficult to do business here.
但现在西方投资者抱怨同中国做生意太难....(please sign in for more)
(76). There are exorbitant rents for offices, too much bickering about contracts, too many special taxes, labour that is too expensive, plus corruption, kickbacks, and the Chinese bureaucrats.
存在一些问题,房租太高,谈合同争吵不休,各种税收名目繁多,劳动力太贵,贪污、受贿,还存在着官僚主义。....(please sign in for more)
(77). Are you aware of these complaints?
您是否了解这些情况....(please sign in for more)
(78). Yes, I am aware of these things. They do exist.
我了解,是有这种现象。....(please sign in for more)
(79). As we are new to doing business with the West, it is inevitable that we shall make some mistakes.
因为同西方做生意这对我们来说是一件新事物,有一些差错是难免的。....(please sign in for more)
(80). I do understand the complaints of foreign investors.
外国投资者有这些意见,我能理解。....(please sign in for more)
(81). No one would come here and invest unless he got a return on his investment.
投资不赚一点钱,那不可能,那谁愿意来....(please sign in for more)
(82). We are taking effective measures to change the present state of affairs.
我们正在采取一些有效措施改变这种状况....(please sign in for more)
(83). I believe that these problems can be solved gradually.
相信问题可以逐步得到解决。....(please sign in for more)
(84). But when they are solved, new problems will arise and they, too, should be solved.
解决了这些问题,还会有新的问题产生,还要加以解决。....(please sign in for more)
(85). As leaders, we have to get a clear picture of the problems and work out measures to solve them.
作为领导来说,要摸清情况,采取措施....(please sign in for more)
(86). There is also the question of educating the cadres.
包括教育干部。....(please sign in for more)
(87). To get rich is glorious. That declaration by Chinese leaders to their people surprises many in the capitalist world. What does that have to do with communism?
现在中国领导提出致富光荣的口号,资本主义国家很多人对此感到意外,这个口号同共产主义有什么关系....(please sign in for more)
(88). We went through the ``cultural revolution’’.
我们经历了“文化大革命”。....(please sign in for more)
(89). During the ``cultural revolution’’ there was a view that poor communism was preferable to rich capitalism.
关于共产主义,“文化大革命”中有一种观点,宁要穷的共产主义,不要富的资本主义。....(please sign in for more)
(90). After I resumed office in the central leadership in 1974 and 1975, I criticized that view.
我在一九七四年、一九七五年重新回到中央工作时就批驳了这种观点。....(please sign in for more)
(91). Because I did so, I was brought down again. Of course, there were other reasons too.
正因为这样,当然还有其他原因,我又被打下去了。....(please sign in for more)
(92). I said to them that there was no such thing as poor communism.
当时我告诉他们没有穷的共产主义....(please sign in for more)
(93). According to Marxism, communist society is based on material abundance.
按照马克思主义观点,共产主义社会是物质极大丰富的社会。....(please sign in for more)
(94). Only when there is material abundance can the principle of a communist society--that is, ``from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs’’--be applied.
因为物质极大丰富,才能实现各尽所能、按需分配的共产主义原则。....(please sign in for more)
(95). Socialism is the first stage of communism. Of course, it covers a very long historical period.
社会主义是共产主义第一阶段,当然这是一个很长很长的历史阶段。....(please sign in for more)
(96). The main task in the socialist stage is to develop the productive forces, keep increasing the material wealth of society, steadily improve the life of the people and create material conditions for the advent of a communist society.
社会主义时期的主要任务是发展生产力,使社会物质财富不断增长,人民生活一天天好起来,为进入共产主义创造物质条件。不能有穷的共产主义,同样也不能有穷的社会主义。....(please sign in for more)
(97). There can be no communism with pauperism, or socialism with pauperism.
致富不是罪过。....(please sign in for more)
(98). So to get rich is no sin. However, what we mean by getting rich is different from what you mean.
但我们讲的致富不是你们讲的致富。....(please sign in for more)
(99). Wealth in a socialist society belongs to the people.
社会主义财富属于人民....(please sign in for more)
(100). To get rich in a socialist society means prosperity for the entire people.
社会主义的致富是全民共同致富。....(please sign in for more)