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    译典分类展示:经济金融 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 IBRN储备金 IBRN reserve

    2 超额赔偿 excess of loss cover

    3 超额索赔 inflated claim

    4 超赔保障 EXL protection

    5 承保能力 insurance capacity

    6 出口港澳货运 Export Cargo Transport to Hong Kong and Macao

    7 海上石油险 Marine Petroleum Insurance

    8 年内费用支出 (万元) Annual Expenditures in the Year

    9 赔期/期限 indemnity period/limit

    10 已发生但未报的损失 Incurred but not reported losses

    11 已决赔款 (万美元) Settled Claim (USD 10 000)

    12 营业中断险 Business Interruption Insurance

    13 预期利润 Advance profit

    14 预期利润损失险,利损险 Advance Loss Profits

    15 综合赔付率 combined ratio
