译典词汇分类展示:工程技术 次级分类:
accuracy limit factor(of a protective current transformer)
属类:工程技术 -电气-
arithmetical mean deviation of the(roughness)profile
属类:工程技术 -电气-
arithmetical mean deviation of the(foughness)profile
属类:工程技术 -电气-
(resistance)strain gauge drawing force and compression force transducer
属类:工程技术 -电气-
back surface reflection and back surface field solar cell
属类:工程技术 -电子学-
compensation type airborne electromagnetic instrument
属类:工程技术 -电气-
apparatus for measuring d.c.magnetic characteristic with ballistic galvanometer
属类:工程技术 -电气-
deviation of the e.m.f.(with respect to the certified value)
属类:工程技术 -电气-
eddy-current displacement vibration amplitude transducer
属类:工程技术 -电气-
certification of conformity of an instrument for explosive atmosphere
属类:工程技术 -电气-
analog magnetic tape record type strong-motion instrument
属类:工程技术 -电气-
double-polarity method for calibrating thermocouple
属类:工程技术 -电气-
biochemical oxygen demand(BOD)microbial transducer/sensor
属类:工程技术 -电气-
electrical resonance frequency of the moving element
属类:工程技术 -电气-
dynamic stiffnesss of the moving element suspension
属类:工程技术 -电气-
译典分类展示:工程技术 次级分类:
1 | (保护用电流互感器的)精确度极限因数 | accuracy limit factor(of a protective current transformer) |
2 | (粗糙度)轮廓的算术平均偏差 | arithmetical mean deviation of the(roughness)profile |
3 | (粗糙度)轮廓的算术平均偏差 | arithmetical mean deviation of the(foughness)profile |
4 | (电阻)应变式拉压力传感器 | (resistance)strain gauge drawing force and compression force transducer |
5 | 背场背反射太阳电池 | back surface reflection and back surface field solar cell |
6 | 补偿式航电仪 | compensation type airborne electromagnetic instrument |
7 | 冲击法直流磁特性测量装置 | apparatus for measuring d.c.magnetic characteristic with ballistic galvanometer |
8 | 电动势的偏差值(相对于检定值) | deviation of the e.m.f.(with respect to the certified value) |
9 | 电涡注式位移振幅传感器 | eddy-current displacement vibration amplitude transducer |
10 | 防爆合格证 | certification of conformity of an instrument for explosive atmosphere |
11 | 模拟磁带记录强震仪 | analog magnetic tape record type strong-motion instrument |
12 | 热电偶双级检定法 | double-polarity method for calibrating thermocouple |
13 | 微生物BOD传感器 | biochemical oxygen demand(BOD)microbial transducer/sensor |
14 | 运动部件电谐振频率 | electrical resonance frequency of the moving element |
15 | 运动部件悬挂动刚度 | dynamic stiffnesss of the moving element suspension |
独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。