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    译典分类展示:事业单位名称 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 北京市建材工业设计院 Beijing Design Institute of Building Materials Industry

    2 边疆史地研究中心 Center for Studies of Border Area History and Geography

    3 城乡建设经济研究所 Institute for Economics of Urban and Rural Development

    4 电器技术研究所 Research Institute of Electrical Appliances Technology

    5 矿产综合利用研究所 Institute of Multipurpose Utilization of Mineral Resources

    6 粮食储运技术研究所 Institute of Foodgrain Storage& Transportation Technology

    7 农业科技情报研究所 Institute of Information on Agricultural Science and Technology

    8 热工仪表研究所 Institute of Heat Engineering Instruments and Meters

    9 上海健鹰食品科技研究所 Institute of Shanghai Jianying Food Science & Technology

    10 石油物探研究所 Institute of Geo-physical Prospecting for Petroleum

    11 市政公用事业研究院 Institute for Municipal Engineering and Public Utilities

    12 特产研究所 Institute of Special Plants and Wildlife Utilization

    13 职业病防治研究所 Occupational Disease Prevention and Treatment Center

    14 中兽医研究所 Institute of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine

    15 中医文献研究所 Institute of Traditional Chinese Medical Literatures
