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    译典分类展示:历史机构名称 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 道纪司 MING-QING: Taoist registry (in a prefecture“府”)

    2 道录司 MING-QING: central Taoist registry

    3 道桥曹 HAN: section for roads and Bridges (clerical subdivision of some commanderies “郡”and Counties“县”)

    4 道正司 MING-QING: Taoist registry (in a Ming subperfecture of a Qing department“州”)

    5 稻田场 QING: Palace Garden (under the Imperial Parks Administration“奉宸苑”)

    6 稻田提领所 YUAN: Superintendence of Palace Gardening (in the Palace Provisions Commission“宣徽院”)

    7 登闻鼓厅 QING: Public Petitioners Drum Office

    8 登闻鼓院 SONG-MING: Public Petitioners Drum Office

    9 登闻检院 SONG-JIN: Public Petitioners Review

    10 登闻院 SONG: Public Petitioners Office

    11 堤岸司 SONG: abbreviation of “提举汴河堤央求司”(Supervisor Ate of the Bean River Dikes)

    12 籴便司 SONG: Office for the Purchase of Cheap Grain

    13 邸当免行所 SONG: Pawn broking Office under the Court of the Imperial Treasury“太府寺”

    14 邸京师 HAN-QING: Liaison Hostel in the Capital

    15 递运所 MING: Transport Office
