属类:法学术语 -法学术语
属类:法学术语 -法学术语
属类:法学术语 -法学术语
属类:法学术语 -
属类:法学术语 -法律术语拉丁语
属类:法学术语 -法律术语拉丁语
属类:法学术语 -部门规定引资奖励通知
属类:法学术语 -法学术语
属类:法学术语 -法学术语
属类:法学术语 -法学术语
1 | (三)债务相互抵销 | (iii)The obligations were set off against each other |
2 | 股东会决议解散 | A resolution for dissolution is passed by the shareholders’ meeting |
3 | 判决书应当写明 | A written judgment shall clearly state the following |
4 | 无罪释放 | Acquit means to set a person free because he has been found not guilty. |
5 | 出版物发行活动管理 | Administration of Publication Distributing Activities |
6 | 除前款规定外 | Apart from the provisions set forth in the preceding paragraphs |
7 | 帮教 | assist and educate;help and education;assistance and education;help and educate |
8 | 败诉 | be cast in a lawsuit;defeat suit;lose an action;fail in a suit;lose a lawsuit;defeat |
9 | 对认为将拥有物的保证金 | Cautio rem pupilli salvam fore Cautio rem ratam dominum habiturum |
10 | 保单 | certificate of guarantee;guarantee slip;policy of insurance;policy;guarantee |
11 | 非常诉讼 | Cognitio extra ordinem(processi civili straordinari) |
12 | 编委 | commission in charge of government establishments;member of an editorial board |
13 | 备偿 | compensation for damages sustained by illegal acts in ancient China |
14 | 包工 | contract for a job or project;head of contracted labor;task-work;contractor;job |
15 | 多次聚众斗殴的 | Crowds are assembled on many occasions to have brawls |
16 | 霸占 | deforce;desseize;disseisin;usurpation;seize;grab;disseizin;dispossession;desseise;forcibly occupy;dispossess;usurp |
17 | 不符 | do not tally with;be at variance with;be inconsistent with;do not conform to;not to be in compliance with;do not agree with |
18 | 包赔 | guarantee for compensation of defective commodities |
19 | 有自动开关的门 | Have doors which are equipped with self-closing devices |
20 | 逾期不缴按税法规定加收滞纳金 | Impose surcharge for overdue payment according to the provisions of tax laws. |
21 | 将在公有河流上或其岸上进行的施工恢复原状之令状 | Interdictum quod in flumine publico ripave publica factum erit |
22 | 法定审判和依权审判 | Iudicium legitima et Iudicia quae imperio continentur(o imperium continentia) |
23 | 劳动保障行政复议 | Labor and Social Security Administrative Reconsideration |
24 | 桂政发[2003]33号 | No. 33 [2003] of the People’s Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region |
25 | 新闻出版总署令 | Order of the State Press and Publication Administration(No. 20) |
26 | 承认债务简约 | Pactum constitutae pecuniae(=constitutum debiti =pecunia constituta) |
27 | 捕房 | police station in Shanghai’s concessions before 1949 |
28 | 宣读鉴定结论 | Read aloud the conclusion of the expert corroboration |
29 | 白契 | real estate transaction papers without government tax seals |
30 | 不服 | remain unconvinced by;refuse to accept as final;refuse to comply;under protest;refuse to obey;exception;protest;discontentment |
31 | 报失 | report the loss of sth. to the authorities;report on lost goods or bills for a look-up |
32 | 别居 | separation a mensa et thoro;judicial separation;separation from bed and board |
33 | 包银 | silver currency paid to Yuan Dynasty rulers as tax payment in real |
34 | 本币 | standard coin;the basic monetary unit out of a country’s currency;standard money |
35 | 报批 | submit to senior authorities for examination and approval;report to higher authorities for examination and approval |
36 | 刑事被告 | The accused is person or persons charged with a crime. |
37 | 协商不成 | The dispute cannot be resolved through consultation |
38 | 城乡一体化 | The unified design between the city and the countryside |
39 | 便换 | used in Song dynasties and similar to today’s bills of exchange |
40 | 鞭烙 | whipping and branding punishment in the Liao Dynasty |
1 | (iii)The obligations were set off against each other | (三)债务相互抵销 | |
2 | A resolution for dissolution is passed by the shareholders’ meeting | 股东会决议解散 | |
3 | A written judgment shall clearly state the following | 判决书应当写明 | |
4 | Acquit means to set a person free because he has been found not guilty. | 无罪释放 | |
5 | Administration of Publication Distributing Activities | 出版物发行活动管理 | |
6 | Apart from the provisions set forth in the preceding paragraphs | 除前款规定外 | |
7 | assist and educate;help and education;assistance and education;help and educate | 帮教 | |
8 | be cast in a lawsuit;defeat suit;lose an action;fail in a suit;lose a lawsuit;defeat | 败诉 | |
9 | Cautio rem pupilli salvam fore Cautio rem ratam dominum habiturum | 对认为将拥有物的保证金 | |
10 | certificate of guarantee;guarantee slip;policy of insurance;policy;guarantee | 保单 | |
11 | Cognitio extra ordinem(processi civili straordinari) | 非常诉讼 | |
12 | commission in charge of government establishments;member of an editorial board | 编委 | |
13 | compensation for damages sustained by illegal acts in ancient China | 备偿 | |
14 | contract for a job or project;head of contracted labor;task-work;contractor;job | 包工 | |
15 | Crowds are assembled on many occasions to have brawls | 多次聚众斗殴的 | |
16 | deforce;desseize;disseisin;usurpation;seize;grab;disseizin;dispossession;desseise;forcibly occupy;dispossess;usurp | 霸占 | |
17 | do not tally with;be at variance with;be inconsistent with;do not conform to;not to be in compliance with;do not agree with | 不符 | |
18 | guarantee for compensation of defective commodities | 包赔 | |
19 | Have doors which are equipped with self-closing devices | 有自动开关的门 | |
20 | Impose surcharge for overdue payment according to the provisions of tax laws. | 逾期不缴按税法规定加收滞纳金 | |
21 | Interdictum quod in flumine publico ripave publica factum erit | 将在公有河流上或其岸上进行的施工恢复原状之令状 | |
22 | Iudicium legitima et Iudicia quae imperio continentur(o imperium continentia) | 法定审判和依权审判 | |
23 | Labor and Social Security Administrative Reconsideration | 劳动保障行政复议 | |
24 | No. 33 [2003] of the People’s Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region | 桂政发[2003]33号 | |
25 | Order of the State Press and Publication Administration(No. 20) | 新闻出版总署令 | |
26 | Pactum constitutae pecuniae(=constitutum debiti =pecunia constituta) | 承认债务简约 | |
27 | police station in Shanghai’s concessions before 1949 | 捕房 | |
28 | Read aloud the conclusion of the expert corroboration | 宣读鉴定结论 | |
29 | real estate transaction papers without government tax seals | 白契 | |
30 | remain unconvinced by;refuse to accept as final;refuse to comply;under protest;refuse to obey;exception;protest;discontentment | 不服 | |
31 | report the loss of sth. to the authorities;report on lost goods or bills for a look-up | 报失 | |
32 | separation a mensa et thoro;judicial separation;separation from bed and board | 别居 | |
33 | silver currency paid to Yuan Dynasty rulers as tax payment in real | 包银 | |
34 | standard coin;the basic monetary unit out of a country’s currency;standard money | 本币 | |
35 | submit to senior authorities for examination and approval;report to higher authorities for examination and approval | 报批 | |
36 | The accused is person or persons charged with a crime. | 刑事被告 | |
37 | The dispute cannot be resolved through consultation | 协商不成 | |
38 | The unified design between the city and the countryside | 城乡一体化 | |
39 | used in Song dynasties and similar to today’s bills of exchange | 便换 | |
40 | whipping and branding punishment in the Liao Dynasty | 鞭烙 |