属类:IT术语 -电脑术语
1 | 自动编码机 | ACOM;AC;AutoCoder;ACT;Automatic Code Translator;ACM;Automatic Coding Machine |
2 | 自适应人-机非算术信息处理 | Adaptive Man-machine Nonarithmetic Information Processing |
3 | 字母数字型指令 | aiphanumeric instruction;alphameric instruction;alphanumeric instruction |
4 | 字母数字信息 | alphameric information;alphanumeric information;alphanumerical information |
5 | 自动换行 | ANL;Auto Linefeed;Automatic New Line;ALF;wrap word;wrap text;automatic line feed |
6 | 自动诊断 | automated diagnosis;autodiagnostics;automatic diagnostic;automatic diagnosis |
7 | 自动检查与就绪设备 | Automatic Check out and Readiness Equipment;Automatic Check and Readiness Equipment |
8 | 自动数据处理和通信业务 | Automatic Data Processing And Communicatation Services |
9 | 自动数据处理资源估计程序 | Automatic Data processing Resource Estimation Procedures |
10 | 自动数字式发送和处理系统 | Automatic Digital Dispatching And Processing System |
11 | 自动事实情报检索与存储系统 | Automatic Fact Information Retrieval and Storage System |
12 | 自动可靠性和维护管理系统 | Automatic Reliability and maintenance Management System |
13 | 具有避免冲突的载波侦听多路存取 | Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision avoidance |
14 | 中央模拟数据分配与计算系统 | Central Analog Data Distributing And Computing system |
15 | 字符和模式电话存取信息网络 | Character And Pattern Telephone Access Information Network |
16 | 自动多道程序用通信处理程序 | Communications Handler for Automatic Multiple Programs |
17 | 面向通信的多重终端执行程序 | Communications-Oriented Multiple Terminal EXecutive |
18 | 面向通信的生产情报与控制系统 | Communications-Oriented Production Information Control System |
19 | 组合外部符号词典 | Composite External Symbol Dictionary;composite external symbol dictionary |
20 | 综合预算和管理信息系统 | Comprehensive Budget and Management Information System |
21 | 计算机化的设备相关分配技术 | Computerized Relative Allocation of Facilities Technique |
22 | 设备有关参数的转换与替换 | Device Dependent Parameter conversion and REPlacement |
23 | 电子控制的自动交换系统 | Electronically-Controlled Automatic Switching System |
24 | 扩充的磁盘操作系统-多级操作 | Extended Disc Operating System-MultiStage Operation |
25 | 灵活可重构的互连多处理机系统 | Flexible Reconfigurable Interconnected Multiprocessor System |
26 | 管理系统的预报信息检索 | Forecasting Information Retrieval of Management System |
27 | 用作通用语言的FORTRAN规则,FRUGAL语言 | FORTRAN Rules Used as a General Applications Language |
28 | 可编程序逻辑阵列的功能无关测试 | Function-Independent Testing for Programmable Logic Array |
29 | 数据区和后接记录地址标记之间的间隙 | Gap between data area and address marker of the following record |
30 | 造福环境的全球性研究和观察 | Global Learning and Observation to Benefit the Environment |
31 | 数字信息处理的图解法 | Graphic Approach To Numerical Information processing |
32 | 反导弹主探测方向识别程序,反导弹研究的 | Guide Line Identification Program for Antimissile Research |
33 | 作业记帐程序 | Job Accounting Facility;JAF;job accounting facility;job accounting routine |
34 | 朱氏国际代数语言 | Jule’s Own Version of the International Algebraic Language |
35 | 自动绘图与计算机接口用机器 | Machine for Automated Graphics Interface to a Computations |
36 | 总体结构 | overall framework;global architecture;ensemble architecture;general structure |
37 | 自动检测设备用的程序设计语言 | Programming Language for Automatic Checkout Equipment |
38 | 自动机与可计算性理论专业组 | Special Interest Group on Automata and Computabi-lity Theory |
39 | 自动战略信息交换操作网络 | Strategic Automatic Message Switching Operational Network |
40 | 总的联机程序和信息控制系统 | Total On-line Program and Information Control System |
1 | ACOM;AC;AutoCoder;ACT;Automatic Code Translator;ACM;Automatic Coding Machine | 自动编码机 | |
2 | Adaptive Man-machine Nonarithmetic Information Processing | 自适应人-机非算术信息处理 | |
3 | aiphanumeric instruction;alphameric instruction;alphanumeric instruction | 字母数字型指令 | |
4 | alphameric information;alphanumeric information;alphanumerical information | 字母数字信息 | |
5 | ANL;Auto Linefeed;Automatic New Line;ALF;wrap word;wrap text;automatic line feed | 自动换行 | |
6 | automated diagnosis;autodiagnostics;automatic diagnostic;automatic diagnosis | 自动诊断 | |
7 | Automatic Check out and Readiness Equipment;Automatic Check and Readiness Equipment | 自动检查与就绪设备 | |
8 | Automatic Data Processing And Communicatation Services | 自动数据处理和通信业务 | |
9 | Automatic Data processing Resource Estimation Procedures | 自动数据处理资源估计程序 | |
10 | Automatic Digital Dispatching And Processing System | 自动数字式发送和处理系统 | |
11 | Automatic Fact Information Retrieval and Storage System | 自动事实情报检索与存储系统 | |
12 | Automatic Reliability and maintenance Management System | 自动可靠性和维护管理系统 | |
13 | Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision avoidance | 具有避免冲突的载波侦听多路存取 | |
14 | Central Analog Data Distributing And Computing system | 中央模拟数据分配与计算系统 | |
15 | Character And Pattern Telephone Access Information Network | 字符和模式电话存取信息网络 | |
16 | Communications Handler for Automatic Multiple Programs | 自动多道程序用通信处理程序 | |
17 | Communications-Oriented Multiple Terminal EXecutive | 面向通信的多重终端执行程序 | |
18 | Communications-Oriented Production Information Control System | 面向通信的生产情报与控制系统 | |
19 | Composite External Symbol Dictionary;composite external symbol dictionary | 组合外部符号词典 | |
20 | Comprehensive Budget and Management Information System | 综合预算和管理信息系统 | |
21 | Computerized Relative Allocation of Facilities Technique | 计算机化的设备相关分配技术 | |
22 | Device Dependent Parameter conversion and REPlacement | 设备有关参数的转换与替换 | |
23 | Electronically-Controlled Automatic Switching System | 电子控制的自动交换系统 | |
24 | Extended Disc Operating System-MultiStage Operation | 扩充的磁盘操作系统-多级操作 | |
25 | Flexible Reconfigurable Interconnected Multiprocessor System | 灵活可重构的互连多处理机系统 | |
26 | Forecasting Information Retrieval of Management System | 管理系统的预报信息检索 | |
27 | FORTRAN Rules Used as a General Applications Language | 用作通用语言的FORTRAN规则,FRUGAL语言 | |
28 | Function-Independent Testing for Programmable Logic Array | 可编程序逻辑阵列的功能无关测试 | |
29 | Gap between data area and address marker of the following record | 数据区和后接记录地址标记之间的间隙 | |
30 | Global Learning and Observation to Benefit the Environment | 造福环境的全球性研究和观察 | |
31 | Graphic Approach To Numerical Information processing | 数字信息处理的图解法 | |
32 | Guide Line Identification Program for Antimissile Research | 反导弹主探测方向识别程序,反导弹研究的 | |
33 | Job Accounting Facility;JAF;job accounting facility;job accounting routine | 作业记帐程序 | |
34 | Jule’s Own Version of the International Algebraic Language | 朱氏国际代数语言 | |
35 | Machine for Automated Graphics Interface to a Computations | 自动绘图与计算机接口用机器 | |
36 | overall framework;global architecture;ensemble architecture;general structure | 总体结构 | |
37 | Programming Language for Automatic Checkout Equipment | 自动检测设备用的程序设计语言 | |
38 | Special Interest Group on Automata and Computabi-lity Theory | 自动机与可计算性理论专业组 | |
39 | Strategic Automatic Message Switching Operational Network | 自动战略信息交换操作网络 | |
40 | Total On-line Program and Information Control System | 总的联机程序和信息控制系统 |