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    ||1:In an unusually stilted performance, Sarah Palin, John McCain’s running-mate in 2008, endorsed Donald Trump for president.||2:A day earlier Mr Trump was the hot topic in Britain when Parliament debated a voter petition to ban him from the country for making Islamophobic statements.||3:The government said it couldn’t comment on individual immigration cases.

    ||1:萨拉·佩林(Sarah Pali,2008年约翰·麦凯恩的竞选搭档)异常高调宣布支持唐纳德·特朗普竞选总统。||2:前一天,特朗普还是英国的“热点话题人物”,此前他发表仇视穆斯林言论引起公愤,英国议会决定就一份要求禁止特朗普入境的请愿书展开辩论。||3:政府表示不能就个体移民案件发表评论。

    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-委内瑞拉进入经济紧急状态 奥巴马或越权 -

    ||1:THE latest issue of Charlie Hebdo, a satirical French magazine, spotlights Michel Houellebecq, author of a new novel that imagines the Islamisation of France and then the European Union.||2:Critics had denounced Mr Houellebecq’s book, which depicts a near future in which Islamists win France’s presidency and compromise its freedoms, as Islamophobic scaremongering.||3:Then, on the day of its publication, masked gunmen attacked Charlie Hebdo’s offices in Paris.||4:They yelled “Allahu Akbar” as they murdered 12 people and wounded others, in France’s worst terrorist attack for half a century.||5:The gunmen fled; police have named two brothers as suspects.||6:As anti-immigrant sentiment—especially the anti-Muslim kind—seeps across Europe, from street protests in Dresden to English ballot boxes, the atrocity in Paris seemed ghoulishly to realise the continent’s darkest nightmare; almost, in fact, to caricature it.

    ||1:最新一期的法国讽刺杂志查理周刊聚焦在了Michel Houellebecq身上—一位创作了一本关于法国乃至整个欧盟都被伊斯兰化的新小说的作者。||2:书中伊斯兰教徒赢得了法国总统选举并削弱了国家自由,批评者们谴责他的书是在危言耸听、散布伊斯兰恐慌。||3: 然后,就在这本书出版的那天,蒙面的持枪者袭击了查理周刊的巴黎总部。||4:他们一边叫喊着“真主至上”一边杀害了12人,打伤多人,这是法国半个世纪以来最为严重的恐怖主义袭击。||5:持枪者逃走了,警察将两兄弟列为嫌犯。||6:随着反对移民—尤其是反对穆斯林族群的浪潮横扫欧洲大陆,从德累斯顿的街头抗议到英国的投票结果,再到如今的巴黎暴行,都似乎残忍地证实了这片土地最为黑暗的噩梦;事实上,这几乎是讽刺漫画的现实翻版。

    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-查理周刊袭击案 恐怖下的巴黎 -
