译典词汇分类展示:党政机关名称 次级分类:
Property Management Center of B Municipal Government Organs
属类:党政机关名称 --
XX Municipal Local Taxation Bureau YY Central Sub-bureau
属类:党政机关名称 --
Beijing Municipal Committee of CPC;CPC Beijing Municipal Committee;CPC Committee of Beijing Municipality
属类:党政机关名称 -党委系统-
State Office for Comprehensive Agricultural Development
属类:党政机关名称 --
Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits
属类:党政机关名称 --
Chief Executive’s Council of International Advisers
属类:党政机关名称 -机构-
National Coordination Group of Chemical Materials for Construction
属类:党政机关名称 --
Inspection Brigade of the County Bureau of Power Supply
属类:党政机关名称 --
General Office of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee
属类:党政机关名称 -党委系统-
CPC Central Research Institute of Culture and History
属类:党政机关名称 --
CPC Central Group for the Coordination of Tibetan Activities
属类:党政机关名称 --
CPC Central Leading Group for Propaganda and Thought
属类:党政机关名称 --
Certification and Accreditation Administration of China
属类:党政机关名称 --
Personnel Testing Authorities of the Ministry of Personnel
属类:党政机关名称 --
Administration of Fishery and Fishing Harbor Supervision of the PRC
属类:党政机关名称 --
译典分类展示:党政机关名称 次级分类:
1 | B市政府机关物业管理中心 | Property Management Center of B Municipal Government Organs |
2 | XX市地方税务局YY中心分局 | XX Municipal Local Taxation Bureau YY Central Sub-bureau |
3 | 北京市委 | Beijing Municipal Committee of CPC;CPC Beijing Municipal Committee;CPC Committee of Beijing Municipality |
4 | 国家农业综合开发办公室 | State Office for Comprehensive Agricultural Development |
5 | 海峡两岸关系协会 | Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits |
6 | 行政长官特设国际顾问委员会 | Chief Executive’s Council of International Advisers |
7 | 全国化学建材协调组 | National Coordination Group of Chemical Materials for Construction |
8 | 县供电局稽查队 | Inspection Brigade of the County Bureau of Power Supply |
9 | 浙江省委办公厅 | General Office of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee |
10 | 中共中央文史研究馆 | CPC Central Research Institute of Culture and History |
11 | 中共中央西藏工作协调小组 | CPC Central Group for the Coordination of Tibetan Activities |
12 | 中共中央宣传、思想工作领导小组 | CPC Central Leading Group for Propaganda and Thought |
13 | 中国国家认证认可监督管理委员会 | Certification and Accreditation Administration of China |
14 | 中国人事部人事考试中心 | Personnel Testing Authorities of the Ministry of Personnel |
15 | 中华人民共和国渔政渔港监督管理局 | Administration of Fishery and Fishing Harbor Supervision of the PRC |
独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。