

    名词复数:dumbos 词频:低频词

    基本释义/说明:n. 笨蛋
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    n. 【航空工程】
    1. 【口】傻瓜,蠢蛋

    ||1:Disney took the wraps off its new video-streaming service, entering a market dominated by Netflix and Amazon.||2:Disney+ will launch in November in America and in later months worldwide.||3:It will feature Disney’s own rich catalogue of films, as well as the Marvel, Pixar and Star Wars franchises, and cost half as much as Netflix.||4:Disney is clearly no dumbo when it comes to price wars.


    ||1:Today that means attracting stars—Ms Watson as Belle, Donald Glover and Beyoncé as Simba and Nala, Will Smith as the Genie—and directors who reinforce each title’s strengths.||2:Tim Burton is a good fit for a story about a persecuted circus elephant and a nefarious entertainment magnate, because Dumbo ’s outsider status is “a central characteristic that also runs through all of (Mr Burton’s) work”, according to Derek Frey, the film’s producer.||3:Guy Ritchie’s aptitude for raucous action sequences lends itself to “Aladdin”, a fable about a mischievous street urchin.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-迪士尼创新策略:翻拍经典动画的真人版电影(3) -

    ||1:Princesses and talking animals are not the only characters to have been summoned back to the screen: audiences have been swamped by hordes of wizards, cape-wearers, dinosaurs and Jedi.||2:But in this fairy-tale realm, Disney has an edge.||3:Generations of children grew up on its animated backlist, and enough time has passed to retell the classics using new technology (and for fans to take children of their own).||4:Reboots of old flicks have actually become less common in Hollywood overall, falling from 17% of top films in 2005 to 4% in 2017 (though prequels and sequels abound).||5:But they are one of Disney’s staples.||6:In 2019 it will add “Dumbo ”, “Aladdin” and “The Lion King” to its roster of “live-action remakes”, which replace the original cartoons with filmed footage and computer-generated imagery.||7:“Pinocchio”, “Snow White”, “James and the Giant Peach”, “Peter Pan” and “The Little Mermaid” will follow.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-迪士尼创新策略:翻拍经典动画的真人版电影(2) -

    ||1: The city’s embrace of high-tech has already begun. ||2: Tech clusters have emerged in Manhattan’s Flatiron District and Brooklyn’s Dumbo , home to firms like STELLAService and Etsy. ||3: Venture-capital firms and angel investors have been looking at New York more seriously than they once did. ||4: Henry Blodget, of Business Insider, notes “the financing ecosystem has also gotten very well developed, from late-stage private equity right down to angel investing.” ||5: Some $1.2 billion was invested by venture-capital firms in New York in 2010. ||6: The Big Apple even overtook Massachusetts in venture-capital funding for internet and tech start-ups, making it second only to Silicon Valley. ||7: And in the third quarter of last year, it surpassed it in venture capital in all categories. ||8: Between 2005 and 2010 employment in New York’s high-tech sector grew by nearly 30%. Google alone has about 1,200 engineers in the city.

    ||1:纽约早已对高科技产生青睐。||2: 各种科技型企业涌入曼哈顿的Flatiron区及布鲁克林的Dumbo区,从家庭式企业到公司如STELLAService 和Etsy。 ||3:风险投资公司和天使投资人在纽约格外认真地寻找着机会。||4:《商业内幕》的亨利?布拉吉说道金融体系在这里已发展得十分完善不论是从后期的私募股权投资还是天使投资。”||5:2010年纽约风险投资公司的投资额约为12亿美元。||6:大苹果城在对互联网及科技新兴企业的风险投资方面甚至超越马萨诸塞州,而仅次于硅谷。||7:去年的第三季度中,各行业的风险投资均超出原有的资本量。||8:2005年至2010年间纽约高科技行业的就业率增长近30%。单谷歌一家就拥有1200名工程师。

    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-再次憧憬未来 Reimagining the Fu -

    ||1:Producers and directors can now draw on astoundingly sophisticated computer-generated effects.||2:Except for the actor who played Mowgli, “The Jungle Book” was entirely digital; the authentically lush rainforest and convincing animals earned an Oscar.||3:Jon Favreau, the director, will apply the same techniques to “The Lion King”.||4:“We can put any animal next to a real one and not be able to tell the difference,” claims Richard Stammers, the visual-effects supervisor on “Dumbo ”.||5:The animators size up muscle, the wrinkles of skin and the movement of fur.||6:Lacking an airborne elephant to copy, researchers studied the physics of large birds.||7:For imaginary creatures such as the Beast, animators use the latest motion-capture technology, which tracks actors’ movements and facial expressions and then transposes them onto digital figures.||8:The uncanny realism instils a sense of wonder of its own.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-迪士尼创新策略:翻拍经典动画的真人版电影(4) -

    After defending her big-eared son from a group of evil boys, Dumbo ’s mother is locked up and considered too reckless to be let out.



    But Dumbo ’s tormentors are actually even smaller, scientists claim.



    Equally shy are the Dumbo octopi, the only wild species to be named after a Disney character.



    Following this, a tear-soaked Dumbo visits his mother in a depressing circus cage and essentially says goodbye to her.



    Paths branch out to classic rides (Dumbo , the Mad Tea Party) and newer additions like The Pirates of the Caribbean.



    Our portfolio company Etsy invited me out to their new offices in Dumbo to talk to the entire team.



    By teatime, as I sat watching Dumbo with the children, I realised that I couldn’t really lift my head.


