

    音标:[ɪ'mædʒɪn] 现在分词:imagining
    过去式:imagined 过去分词:imagined
    名词复数:imagines 第三人称单数:imagines
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    At home, in their distress they got to imagining that their servant might have been in the next room listening when Richards revealed the secret to his wife that he knew of burgess’s innocence
    It is said that you should communicate with the other party through phone calls as if you were facing the real person, imagining his expressions, which is very reasonable. Please be patient and humorous if there is any language obstacle.


    例句1. one can imagine the cloud-capped towers of the castle


    形容词 变体/同根词

    Of or relating to the imagination, or to a mental image. || Of or relating to the insect imago.
    Because the dorsal body wall develops from the wing imaginal disc, data on thoracic body wall patterning are available in Drosophila.
    Australian Aboriginal culture is about everything in the imaginal realm and everything in the natural environment.
    The easiest way of visualizing a leg imaginal disc is to think of it as a collapsed cone.
    Existing only in the imagination. || (mathematics) Having no real part; that part of a complex number which is a multiple of the square root of -1.
    He is famous for the low-down tactic of setting up imaginary, exaggerated villains and dangers, and then heroically shooting them down.
    having a lively or creative imagination || tending to be fanciful or inventive || false or imagined
    This major celebration of cinematic creativity old and new has a host of imaginative programmes.
    Disturbing images are powerfully etched with imaginative dynamics and piercing vocals.
    Cumbria Export Club is dedicating its next meeting to looking at how firms could boost exports by developing more imaginative ideas.
    Conceived or envisioned in the mind.
    They perceive imagined slights where none exist.
    Lacking an image
    The viewer spends an inordinate amount of time staring at a black, imageless screen, being occasionally jarred by the sound of the piano.
    Listening to radio via television is a curious experience as you stare blankly at an imageless blue screen while your ears do all the work.
    The girl looked around at the cave, noticing the imageless walls.

    动词 变体/同根词

    Imagin Molecular Corporation strategy and focus is dedicated to business opportunities in positron emission tomography manufacturing.

    "Imagining that Nanny Li was angry with her for lying in bed, Xiren at first explained, ""I’m ill and just starting to perspire, so I’d covered up my head and didn’t see you, granny."



    "Non-Geographical Space" and the Politics of Nostalgia: Imagining Shanghai in Hong Kong’s "Post-97" Films



    Imagining the Hakka Community Through the Internet



    That other people and the universe in general exist only in his imagination, and that if he quits imagining them they would cease to exist.



    The Logic of Power Imagining the Nation-State: Diaspora, Public Sphere, and Modernity in Fifties Taiwan



    The Conditions and Limits of Imagining Peace: Reflections on the Discourse of East Asian



    At home, in their distress they got to imagining that their servant might have been in the next room listening when Richards revealed the secret to his wife that he knew of burgess’s innocence



    It was a day for listening to the all-news radio and imagining the possibility of being snowbound without being too inconvenienced. That was the way the day was supposed to be.



    Like a Huguenot imagining Rome, he built up a picture of frivolity, viciousness and corruption



    You must stop imagining that posterity will vindicate you



    But I never stopped imagining who the anonymous giver might be



    Picturing and Imagining the West: Reconstructing and Representing the Western Image in Good Friends



    I was imagining many things about the sea



    I was imagining many things about the sea.



    Imagining the Big from the Small



    It is said that you should communicate with the other party through phone calls as if you were facing the real person, imagining his expressions, which is very reasonable. Please be patient and humorous if there is any language obstacle.



    This youth said he found a hawk one evening and he took it home with him, imagining himself entitled to it.



    I was astonished by this, imagining that the Amahagger were much too gloomy a folk to indulge in any such frivolity



    ||1:In the wee hours of March 10th the rock finally arrived.||2:It is now being hoisted into place, and will be unveiled this spring or summer.||3:Fans are promoting it as a private-sector stimulus (no taxpayers were harmed).||4:Sceptics are rolling their eyes, imagining what else the money could have bought.||5:And Los Angeles is suddenly crackling with bad puns, with nobody taking anything for granite and everybody playing rock without paper or scissors.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-洛杉矶的新星——地景艺术 -

    ||1: Mr Piazza’s ruling opened the door for all 75 counties in the state to issue marriage licences to gay couples. ||2: Most county clerks opted not to, noting that the ruling, confusingly, failed to address another state law that banned issuing such licences. ||3: But some 450 same-sex couples queued up in Pulaski and four other counties to get their precious pieces of paper. ||4: “We were hopeful that the law would be overturned some day, but we were completely stunned...that it came when it did,” says Barbara Hall, who married her long-time partner on May 12th in the courthouse rotunda. ||5: “We already had plans to marry in New York this summer after a ceremony here in Little Rock, never imagining a day when we could marry here.”


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-同性婚姻 势不可挡 -

    ||1:APPLE prides itself on constantly re-imagining the future, but even the world’s leading gadget-maker likes to dwell on the past too.||2:Thirty years ago Steve Jobs commanded the stage at the Flint Centre for the Performing Arts near Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino to show off the new Macintosh computer.||3:On September 9th Mr Jobs’s successor, Tim Cook, held a similar performance in the same location to thunderous applause.

    ||1:苹果公司以能够不断勾画未来蓝图而自豪,但即使作为世界上最顶尖的小型设备制造商,苹果也难免沉溺于过去。||2:三十年前,史蒂芬·乔布斯在弗林特演艺中心(位于库比蒂诺的苹果公司总部附近)展示Macintosh电脑;今年9月,乔布斯的继任者,蒂姆·库克,在同一个舞台面对千万热情观众举行了一个类似的产品展示活动。||3:被邀请到的人有机会试用展台上的设备:两台新款iPhone和一款叫做Apple Watch可佩戴手表。

    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-苹果的未来 不得不进行的改革 -

    ||1: Mr Dower discusses his surprise at hearing his own work cited after 9/11, when American officials evoked the post-war occupation of Japan as a model for post-invasion Iraq. ||2: President George W. Bush should have seen that Japan provided “no model” for occupying Mesopotamia, Mr Dower wrote in a strikingly prescient 2002 New York Times op-ed, reproduced here. ||3: “To rush to war without seriously imagining all its consequences, including its aftermath, is not realism but a terrible hubris.”


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-日本史 选择性记忆 -

    Having sold the crown jewels—a generic-drugs outfit—in 2010, for $3.8 billion, he is now busy re-imagining the family firm for the third time.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-重塑皮拉马尔 -

    "But I really want you to fuck me, " I said, as I wiggled out of my jeans, already imagining how jealous my suitemates would be.



    The writer has penned an alternative Bible passage imagining a different fate for Christ, who was executed by the Romans.



    A New Denoising Method about CMOS Imagining Chip



    Dr. Morewedge said simply imagining moving the food did not help.



    I have little difficulty in imagining that India can sustain growth of close to 10 per cent a year for a long time.



    To rush to war without seriously imagining all its consequences, including its aftermath, is not realism but a terrible hubris



    Meditation is the opposite of worry, instead of imagining the negative, you imagine the positive.


