

    名词复数:inflection 词频:低频词
    详解 词库 双语句典 英文释义 韦氏词典 英文百科 wiki词典 英文句库
    inflections of the river
    In “largest”,-est is the inflection meaning “most”.
    在“largest”一词中,-est 是词尾变化,意为“最”.
    A sentence that asks a question usually ends on a rising inflection.
    1. 变音;转调,2. 弯曲;向内弯曲,3. 【语】屈折变化;屈折形式
    n. 【医学】 【医学】
    n. 【机械】


    例句1. these distinctions are often encoded in verbal inflections’


    形容词 变体/同根词

    (botany) inflected
    “Finally, in some species the cavity is located on the hypomeron, which is the inflexed part of the pronotum.”
    “The new leaves have an inflexed ptyxis and young leaves appear to be rolled up at the tip.”
    “If a specimen has a slightly inflexed pedicel, however, other characters must be considered carefully before a clear identification can be made.”
    Without inflexion.
    (语言学) That can be inflected.
    Without inflection.
    “With his inflectionless, monosyllabic drawl and general lack of animation, how could they tell when Blaine had thawed again?”
    “He paused a moment and then just kept talking in that dull, inflectionless way.”
    “But since your voice is your instrument, practice how it sounds to avoid a delivery that is flat, inflectionless, and uninteresting.”
    inflective || (过时的,旧时用法) inflexible

    名词 变体/同根词

    “This would give a sensitive initial portion to the curve, an inflexion point at 10-15 Gy, followed by a more resistant portion.”
    “That mid-week upside explosion might have been an inflexion point, ushering in a more two-sided affair.”
    “The mocking inflexion in Lonnie’s voice reminded Loren chillingly of someone else.”
    “It is one name in three inflections, a polyphonic unity of three modulations of voice.”
    “For example, many Mon-Khmer languages in Southeast Asia have no inflections and no tones.”
    “He is less free with tempo than other conductors are, less willing to use rubato to follow the inflections of the text.”
    The quality of being inflected.
    An inflection; a bend or fold.
    The quality or state of being inflexible, or not capable of being bent or changed; unyielding stiffness; inflexibleness; rigidity; obstinacy.
    “She was irritated by the inflexibility of her colleagues.”
    “Weakness and inflexibility in the forearm muscles makes tennis elbow more likely.”
    “Although it is too early to tell, I would associate Katherine with a degree of rigidness, perfectionism, and inflexibility.”

    动词 变体/同根词

    To bend; to cause to become curved; to make crooked; to deflect.
    “The participants appreciated the presentation given by the Managing Director and showed their interest in tourism products of Pakistan and tourist inflex to Pakistan.”
    “The SXP Field 20-gauge and SXP Field Compact 20-gauge feature a satin finished stock and forearm, alloy receiver in black matte finish and Inflex Technology recoil pad.”
    “Browning’s Fire-Lite mechanical trigger isn’t dependent on recoil to reset, and the low-profile action directs recoil straight back onto the Inflex recoil pad to soak up kick.”
    (transitive) To cause to curve inwards. || (music) To change the tone or pitch of the voice when speaking or singing. || (grammar) To vary the form of a word to express tense, gender, number, mood, etc.
    “A different way of inflecting the line.”
    “I shall inflect this word as a Latin noun.”
    “We listed a few words that we claimed were just exceptions to the claim that monosyllabic adjectives inflect, and we included wrong on that list.”