

    名词复数:jamborees 词频:低频词

    详解 英文释义 韦氏词典 英文百科 wiki词典 英文句库
    少年团体大会, 喧闹的娱乐会
    童子军大会; 喧闹之宴会或娱乐



    ||1:More than 70,000 gamers, developers and publishers descended on Los Angeles to goggle at each other’s wares and show off their own at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (e3), which began on June 11th.||2:This year big publishers like Ubisoft and Square Enix used the annual videogame jamboree to show off previews of new games.||3:Keanu Reeves, an actor, hyped up “Cyberpunk 2077”, a hotly anticipated title in which he plays a big role.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-云计算--电子行业的新趋势(1) -

    ||1:Mr Montebourg’s argument is all the more seductive because he is right about Europe’s third problem: excessive austerity, largely forced on the continent by Germany.||2:Mr Draghi has just implicitly conceded that fiscal and monetary policy in the euro zone is too tight at the annual economics jamboree in Jackson Hole.||3:He hinted that he was in favour of quantitative easing, which both America and Britain have used, and he called for fiscal policy to do more to encourage growth—a message plainly aimed at Germany’s chancellor, Angela Merkel.||4:She is the leader who insists most firmly on sticking to the euro zone’s rules on fiscal discipline, just as it is the German Bundesbank that is most strongly against quantitative easing.

    ||1:蒙特布尔的观点更引人注目,因为他关于欧洲地第三个问题是正确的:过分的紧缩,主要在德国强迫执行。||2: 德吉拉在杰克逊霍尔的一年一度经济学大会上含蓄地承认欧元区财政和货币政策太紧。||3:他暗示道,他支持量化宽松,这个政策也是英美都曾使用过的,他呼吁制定更多鼓励增长的政策——这是一个明显针对德国总理安吉拉?默克尔的消息。||4:默克尔是最坚持欧元区财政纪律的领导人,好像德国联邦银行是最强烈反对量化宽松一样。

    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-欧元区 那种再次下沉的感觉 -

    ||1:Led by Peter Sutherland, a combative former director-general of the World Trade Organisation and its predecessor body, GATT, and by a trade economist at Columbia University, Jagdish Bhagwati, the experts were due to issue a report on January 28th.||2:That will be in the midst of the annual jamboree at Davos in Switzerland, where global bigwigs gather to chew over world affairs.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-多哈回合谈判的最后期限 -

    ||1:The cheapest phones will become cheaper still.||2:At Mobile World Congress, an industry jamboree in Barcelona at the end of February, Mozilla, a non-profit company best known for Firefox, its web browser, announced that smartphones running its operating system, Firefox OS, on Spreadtrum chips would go on sale with a target price of only 25.||3:Mr Hussmann reports that the bill of materials is less than that.

    ||1:这一降价的趋势还会持续下去。||2:在今年二月末举行的MWC大会上,因火狐浏览器而著称于世的非营利机构Mozilla宣布将发售定价仅为25美元的手机。该手机搭载展讯的芯片,运行Mozilla自己的系统Firefox OS。||3:胡斯曼称手机的制造成本并没有超过25美元。

    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-手机 廉价智能手机的崛起 -

    ||America’s Republicans held their convention, with most of the speechifying broadcast via video link. Donald Trump used the White House as a backdrop for parts of the jamboree .|| Mike Pompeo also flouted protocol by praising Mr Trump’s accomplishments. Secretaries of state normally keep a low profile at overtly political functions.

    ||美国共和党召开了全国代表大会,大会的大部分演讲都是通过视频直播的。特朗普将白宫作为这场大会的部分背景。迈克·蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)无视自己身份,大肆赞扬特朗普的成就。||通常,国务卿在公开的政治活动中需要保持低调。

    “The cool thing about the (iGEM) jamboree , ” Hall says, “is not just what you made but the creativity involved. ”



    AS COPENHAGEN gears up to host the UN climate-change jamboree in December, Denmark is keen to parade its green credentials.



    She may be an octogenarian but Queen Elizabeth has joined the Web 2. 0 jamboree just in time for Christmas.



    The next day I was sent the programme for the biggest women’s jamboree the world has ever seen.



    Only last month, at yet another Sino-African jamboree , this one in Egypt, Beijing pledged $10bn of new low-cost loans to Africa.



    The limited nature of the jamboree reflects two aspects of contemporary Italy that are likely to have an impact on its affairs in 2011.



    What do you bring to the jamboree , darling, huh? Aside from those baby blues and a knife?



    Today, the Holler Park Pavilion hosts picnics and summer camps, a fishing jamboree , Halloween parties, and an Easter Seals talent show.



    Power shifts have been a big theme of the past week, with much attention at the Davos business jamboree being focused on India and China.



    A more amusing but far less useful example is the combination of Jamboree and Ringaling.


