
    make happen 查询结果如下:


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    Nothing critical, just a few things I wanted to do that I didn’t make happen .


    属类:英汉句库 -article.yeeyan.org

    So within your large list of goals, highlight one or two that you really want to make happen and work on those first.


    属类:英汉句库 -article.yeeyan.org

    As I was writing a book about making ideas happen, which was my idea that I wanted to make happen , it felt like an MC Escher puzzle.


    属类:英汉句库 -article.yeeyan.org

    .@seanhannity, who will be interviewed on @marklevinshow tonight at 8:00 P.M., @foxnews, stated about the Impeachment Hoax, “This is outrages lying, corruption and propaganda. Should never be allowed to happen.”

    @ seanhannity将会在今晚8时在@foxnews @marklevinshow上接受采访,他就弹劾骗局发表声明:“这是谎言,腐败和宣传暴行。不应该允许这种情况发生。”

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    “Intelligence Agencies were used against an American President.” @DevinNunes @ShannonBream @FoxNews This should NEVER happen to a President again! Dems are furious at Robert Mueller for his findings - NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION. Now they should go back to work and legislate!

    “情报机构被用来对付美国总统。”@ DevinNunes @ShannonBream @FoxNews这绝不应该再次发生在总统身上!民主党人对罗伯特·穆勒(Robert Mueller)的调查结果感到非常愤怒 - 没有勾结,没有任何司法妨碍。现在他们应该回去工作并立法了!

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    “We cannot have what happened to this President happen again.” Joe DiGenova. “It is time for Justice to come barreling in.” @LouDobbs Can you imagine that with everything going on in this World, the Witch Hunt, though on a respirator, is still whimpering along. A disgrace!

    “我们不能让发生在这位总统身上的事再次发生。”乔•迪格诺娃 “现在是正义来到这里的时候了。”@ LouDobbs,你能想象吗 ? 不去管这个世界上发生的一切,猎巫政治迫害,虽然已频临死亡,但仍然在垂死挣扎。可耻!

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    Brett Kavanaugh should start suing people for liable, or the Justice Department should come to his rescue. The lies being told about him are unbelievable. False Accusations without recrimination. When does it stop? They are trying to influence his opinions. Can’t let that happen!


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    The cost of ObamaCare is far too high for our great citizens. The deductibles, in many cases way over $7000, make it almost worthless or unusable. Good things are going to happen! @SenRickScott @senatemajldr @SenJohnBarrasso @SenBillCassidy

    对于我们伟大的公民来说,奥巴马医疗保健的成本太高了。免赔额,在许多情况下超过7000美元,使其几乎无价值或无法使用。好事就要发生了! @SenRickScott  @senatemajldr @SenJohnBarrasso @SenBillCassidy

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    One of the worst things that can happen to an investor this year is finding out how her companies are actually doing


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    Everybody is asking how the phony and fraudulent investigation of the No Collusion, No Obstruction Trump Campaign began. We need to know for future generations to understand. This Hoax should never be allowed to happen to another President or Administration again!


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    The United States House of Representatives has just overwhelmingly voted to kill the Resolution on Impeachment, 332-95-1. This is perhaps the most ridiculous and time consuming project I have ever had to work on. Impeachment of your President, who has led th Greatest Economic BOOM in the history of our Country, the best job numbers, biggest tax reduction, rebuilt military and much more, is now OVER. This should never be allowed to happen to another President of the United States again!


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    Joe Biden claims Russian election interference wouldn’t have happened on his watch or Obama’s watch.Seriously, Joe?? It DID happen on your watch and Obama’s watch!!Let’s walk down memory lane...


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    If 2020 Democrats like Biden have their way, they’d eliminate ALL fossil fuels.They want to kill millions of American jobs and enact a socialist $93 TRILLION “Green New Deal.”We can’t let that happen.


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    Trump is back to waging the trade war on Twitter — and stressing out stock traders. Liz Ann Sonders at Charles Schwab: “Anybody that thinks that they can divine what’s going to happen here, that’s just guessing.”

    特朗普重新开始在Twitter上发动贸易战 - 这可让股票交易员过度紧张了。 Charles Schwab的Liz Ann Sonders:“任何人都认为他们可以预言将发生什么,但其实只是在猜测。”

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    I want to give the Democrats every last chance to quickly negotiate simple changes to Asylum and Loopholes. This will fix the Southern Border, together with the help that Mexico is now giving us. Probably won’t happen, but worth a try. Two weeks and big Deportation begins!


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    Think of it. I became President of the United States in one of the most hard fought and consequential elections in the history of our great nation. From long before I ever took office, I was under a sick & unlawful investigation concerning what has become known as the Russian Hoax. My campaign was being seriously spied upon by intel agencies and the Democrats. This never happened before in American history, and it all turned out to be a total scam, a Witch Hunt, that yielded No Collusion, No Obstruction. This must never be allowed to happen again!


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    Thank you to President Moon of South Korea for hosting the American Delegation and me immediately following the very successful G-20 in Japan. While there, it was great to call on Chairman Kim of North Korea to have our very well covered meeting. Good things can happen for all!


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    Brilliant Constitutional Lawyer, Dr. John Eastman, said the Special Prosecutor (Mueller) should have NEVER been appointed in the first place. The entire exercise was fundamentally illegal. The Witch Hunt should never happen to another President of the U.S. again. A TOTAL SCAM!


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    Introduction to frequent dangerous situations
    Here are some frequent dangerous situations for your caution.
    1-3.1 Machinery Danger
    Normally,this kind of danger happens because of the wearing of hose or safety shut down devices.
    Please check and replace all safety shut down devices and hose regularly.
    When operating, please make sure all safety doors have been closed. Our machine adopts protective system of triple function, pressure, electric and machinery. It is not allowed to repeal any of thes...

    1.3.1 机械性危险
    1.3.2 高压泄露引起的危险
    1.3.3 灼伤

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    Guangdong is a province on the south coast of the People’s Republic of China,which has an area of 76,100 sq mi (197,100 sq km).“Guang” itself means “expanse” or “vast”, and has been associating with the region from the Western Jin Dynasty onwards. “Guangdong” and neighboring Guangxi literally mean “expanse east” and “expanse west”. Together, Guangdong and Guangxi are called the “Dual-Guangs”.The modern abbreviation Yue is related to the Hundred Yue, a collective name for various peoples that liv...


    广东省简称“粤”,这与历史上“百越人”在这里居住有关。在古代,广东省和邻近地区居住了很多越族人,后人统称他们为 “百越人”。

    广东省南临南海,海岸线长达4,300 公里。雷州半岛位于广东省西南端,岛上有几处不活跃的火山。珠江三角洲由几百个小岛组成,东江、北江和西江三条河流汇聚于此。从地理位置上来说,南岭把广东省分为南北两部分。全省最高海拔高度为1,600米。


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    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush on Wednesday reiterated his pledge the United States would defend Israel if it was attacked by Iran, a country whose president has urged that the Jewish state be “wiped off the map.”“I have made it clear that ... we will support our ally Israel if attacked by Iran,” Bush said in an interview with CNN that comes on the heels of a Middle East summit aimed at rekindling peace talks between Israel and Palestinians.“I hope it doesn’t happen,” he said.St...

    伊朗最高权威,最高精神领袖,阿亚图拉赛义德•阿里•哈梅内伊却谴责中东和平会谈,说会谈“注定要失败”。 伊并未获邀参加会谈,而其他一些阿拉伯邻国却出席了此为期三天的会议。

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    great performers are different from us. But the key points to recognize are, one that they didn’t start out that way, and two, that the transformations didn’t happen by themselves.


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    those brown spots that happen on nice,cleanly pressed clothes


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    Burns and blisters
    In our research we have found that while burns and scalds are some of the most common injuries affecting babies, they are also the ones that receive incorrect first-aid treatment most frequently. Babies learn by exploring, which involves climbing, touching, tasting and pulling things. One of the most common causes of scalds in the home is a baby that pulls a hot drink onto himself. Even if the drink contains milk and does not feel hot to an adult if can still cause significant...


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    Social Media is totally discriminating against Republican/Conservative voices. Speaking loudly and clearly for the Trump Administration, we won’t let that happen. They are closing down the opinions of many people on the RIGHT, while at the same time doing nothing to others.......


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    “This is appalling, unacceptable. It must never happen again. Those responsible must be held accountable.”

    Earlier this week, thousands of Guineans stayed indoors to mark the killings, bringing the capital, Conakry, to a standstill.

    这次屠杀太骇人听闻了,让人无法接受,永远也不该发生同样的事情。 那些与之相关的人必须为此付出代价。“本周早些时候,数千名几内亚人待在家中抗议这次屠杀,是整个首都——科纳克里陷入一片死寂

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    HONG KONG, Monday, Dec. 3 — A victory on Sunday by a popular figurehead of the democracy movement in an election for a legislative seat here has given fresh momentum to demands for the early introduction of promised democratic reforms. In one of the most fiercely contested and symbolic elections since China assumed control of Hong Kong a decade ago, the democracy advocate, Anson Chan, a 67-year-old former leader of the civil service, won a decisive victory on a platform that called for full demo...

    她的主要竞争对手57岁的叶刘淑仪获得137550张选票,得票率42.7%。叶刘淑仪是前保安局局长, 2003曾在香港推行颇不受欢迎的《反颠覆法》。虽然两位候选人都是以无党派身份参选,但陈方安生受民主联盟派支持,,叶刘淑仪受亲北京派支持。

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