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    译典分类展示:法律规范名称 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 艾滋病监测管理的若干规定 Provisions for the Monitoring and Control of AIDS

    2 城市房地产开发经营管理条例 Regulations on Urban Real Estate Development and Management Control

    3 互联网电子公告服务管理规定 Provisions for Administration of Electronic Bulletin Service via Internet

    4 淮河流域水污染防治暂行条例 Interim Regulations Concerning the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution Within the Territory of the Huaihe River Valley

    5 矿产资源补偿费征收管理规定 Provisions on the Administration of Collection of the Mineral Resources Compensation

    6 上海市拆除违法建筑若干规定 Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on the Demolition of Illegal Building

    7 上海市产品质量监督条例(修正) Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on the Supervision Over Product Quality

    8 上海市电信业务经营管理办法 Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of Telecommunications Services 1995

    9 上海市电影发行放映管理办法 Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of Release and Showing of Film

    10 上海市反不正当竞争条例(修正) Regulations of Shanghai Municipality Against Unfair Competition

    11 上海市家畜家禽防疫管理规定 Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Administration of Epizootic Prevention of Domestic Animals and Fowls

    12 上海市酒类商品产销管理条例 Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of Production and Marketing of Wine Commodities

    13 上海市旧机动车交易管理规定 Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of Used Motor Vehicle Trading

    14 上海市民办学校管理办法(修正) Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of Non-Governmental Schools

    15 铁路旅客运输损害赔偿规定 Provisions Governing Compensation for Damage to the Passenger in Railway Transportation
