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    译典分类展示:行业标准名称 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 船用交流低压配电板结构及基本外形尺寸 Marine A.C low voltage switchboard-Construction and basic dimension

    2 道路交通事故现场图形符号 The graphics symbols-for the scene of road traffic accident

    3 电工电子产品环境条件术语 Terms of environmental conditions for electric and electronic products

    4 过盈配合螺纹 The interference-fit threads

    5 葵花籽 Sunflower seed

    6 棉籽 Cotton seed

    7 内螺纹圆锥销 Taper pins with internal thread

    8 小米 Millet

    9 旋杯式流速仪 Cup-type current meter

    10 旋桨式流速仪 Propeller-type current meter

    11 压水堆燃料棒氦质谱检漏 Helium leak testing of nuclear fuel rod for PWR

    12 油菜籽 Rape seed

    13 油茶籽油 Oil-tea camellia seed oil

    14 照片档案管理规范 The specification of photographic archives management

    15 芝麻 Sesame seed

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