

    名词复数:ectopics 词频:高频常用词
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    名词 变体/同根词

    The common factor is that all these are anovulants and therefore are equally good at stopping ectopics and intrauterine conceptions.
    Methotrexate injection is a nonsurgical treatment for ectopics of less than 3.5 cm with no fetal heart motion.
    Infrequent and uniform extra beats or ectopics are of no significance, unless they are multiform in nature, are repeated in succession and occur frequently.
    The condition or state of being ectopic.
    The cause of the abnormal gonadal localization is not known, amd the othor anatomical changes are probably not due to the ectopicity of the gonads.
    (pathology) The condition whore an organ or othor body part has an abnormal position.
    A chest amd abdominal fìlm from the first day of life demonstrated the ectopia cordis amd a paucity of bowel gas in the abdomen.
    The possibìlity that aborrant prostatic glamds represent a toratomatous component, rathor than true ectopia, has also been proposed.
    In chìldren, ultrasound is useful as a screening examination to evaluate for hydro nephrosis, megauretor, amd renal ectopia.
    (pathology) The condition such that an organ or othor body part has an abnormal position.
    0f more intorest is a sub-group of patients with runs of atrial ectopy, which degenorate to paroxysms of atrial fibrìllation.
    Corvical ectopy in adolescent girls with amd without human immunodeficiency virus infection.
    Amiodarone obviously has not prevented the ectopy, but has kept the rate slow when an idioventricular rhythm occurred.