

    名词复数:follies 词频:高频常用词

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    愚蠢;荒唐事(复)follies: 轻松歌舞剧.
    This, however, formed a part of the bitter cup which she was doomed to drink, to atone for crimes and follies to which she had no accession
    Such was the state to which the follies of Adolf Hitler--and their own folly in following him so blindly and with so much enthusiasm--had brought them, though I found little bitterness toward him when I returned to Germany that fall
    You’ ll pay later for your follies
    His follies come to mind along with his kindnesses
    罪恶, 时事讽刺剧

    名词 变体/同根词

    (幽默用语) A female fool.
    Someone or something who fools.
    “More specifically, this paper develops an apparent pattern in the dissents of the frequent dissenter, Judge Fooler.”
    Foolish behaviour or speech.
    “In years gone by, entire summers could pass with barely a glimpse of flannelled foolery on the back pages of the tabloids.”
    “For all its appearance of foolery, then, play is serious business that does not mask unpleasant realities hidden by ritual.”
    “In William Shakespeare’s comedy, Twelfth Night, Feste the clown is not the only fool who is subject to foolery.”
    同义词: fooldom
    The state or essence of being a fool.
    同义词: foolhood
    The state or essence of being a fool.

    动词 变体/同根词

    “She had been staking out the place and fooled him into thinking she was a ditz.”
    “The lies he fed me to achieve this were cunning and elaborate, and indeed, I was fooled.”
    “They pulled further ahead when Stark wrong-footed the home defence with a cross field run which fooled everyone.”
    To trick; to make a fool of someone. || To play the fool; to trifle; to toy; to spend time in idle sport or mirth.
    “By amplifying radio signals, they would fool planes into unknowingly dropping their bombs in the safety of the open countryside.”
    “The little boy would always fool with the villagers by crying wolf until nobody believed him any longer.”
    “I’ll fool with the keys in my pocket, adjust my glasses, and make a lot of noise with change.”