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    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 SPF鸡 红细胞凝集抑制试验 SPF chicken-Hemagglutination inhibition test

    2 SPF鸡 鸡白痢沙门氏菌检验 SPF chicken-Examination of salmonella pullorum

    3 SPF鸡 间接免疫荧光试验 SPF chicken-Indirect immunofluorescent assay

    4 SPF鸡 酶联免疫吸附试验 SPF chicken-Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay

    5 SPF鸡 胚敏感试验 SPF chicken-Embryo susceptibility test

    6 SPF鸡 琼脂扩散试验 SPF chicken-Agar gel precipitation test

    7 SPF鸡 试管凝集试验 SPF chicken-Tube agglutination test

    8 SPF鸡 血清平板凝集试验 SPF chicken-Serum plate agglutination test

    9 SPF鸡 血清中和试验 SPF chicken-Serum neutralization test

    10 SPF鸡-微生物学监测总则 SPF chicken-General principles of microbiological monitoring

    11 毒害性商品储藏养护技术条件 Specifications for storage and preservation of toxicant goods

    12 腐蚀性商品储藏养护技术条件 Specifications for storage and preservation of corrosive goods

    13 辊式砂光机通用技术条件 General rules for roller sanders

    14 回转窑用耐火砖形状尺寸 Refractory bricks for rotary kilns-Dimensions

    15 机械式停车设备 通用安全要求 Mechanical parking systems-General safety requirement

    16 家用燃气燃烧器具 安全管理规程 Safety managent rules of gas-burning appliances for domestic use

    17 咖啡及其制品 术语 Coffee and its products-Vocabulary

    18 粮食仓库磷化氢环流熏蒸装备 Phosphine recirculation equipment for grain storages

    19 木材缺陷图谱 Illustrative plats of defects in wood

    20 耐火陶瓷纤维制品 厚度试验方法 Refractory ceramic fibre products-Determination of thickness

    21 耐火陶瓷纤维制品 抗拉强度试验方法 Refractory ceramic fibre products-Determination of tensile strength

    22 耐火陶瓷纤维制品 试样制备方法 Refractory ceramic fibre products-Preparation of test pieces

    23 耐火陶瓷纤维制品 体积密度试验方法 Refractory ceramic fibre products-Determination of bulk density

    24 耐火陶瓷纤维制品 渣球含量试验方法 Refractory ceramic fibre products-Determination of shot content

    25 浓缩天然胶乳 干胶膜制备 Natural rubber latex concentrate-Preparation of dry films

    26 起重机 起重机操作手册 第1分:总则 Granes-Crane driving manual-Part 1:General

    27 人造板机械设备型号编制方法 Programing method for the types of wood-based panel machinery

    28 商场管理信息系统基本功能要求 Basic function requirement for management Information system of mart

    29 生猪屠宰产品品质检验规程 Code for product quality inspection for pig in slaughtering

    30 湿地松松脂 OLEORESIN From pinus elliottii engelm

    31 数据链路层协议一致性测试方法 Data link layer protocol conformance testing method

    32 天然胶乳 的pH测定 Natural latex-Determination of pH

    33 土方机械 提升臂支承装置 Earth-moving machinery-Lift-arm support devices

    34 土方机械 座椅安全带及其固定器 Earth-moving machinery-Seat belts and seat belt anchorages

    35 腰果仁 规格 Cashew kernels-Specification

    36 液压破拆工具通用技术条件 General specification for hydraulically operated rescue tools

    37 一次性可降解餐饮具通用技术条件 General specification for single use and degradable lunch container and drinking set

    38 原产地域产品通用要求 General requirements for products of designations of origin and geographical indications

    39 中国森林公园风景资源质量等级评定 China forest park landscape resources grade evaluation

    40 中密度纤维板生产线验收通则 Acceptance generality of the medium density fibreboard production line
