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    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 抽烟打火机外壳 outer casing for smokers’ lighters

    2 大手提袋 carry-on bag

    3 纺织品制儿童推车 carrier of textile materials for carrying children

    4 骨制口红盒 lipstick case,of bone

    5 骨制香烟盒或雪茄盒 cigar case or cigarette of bone

    6 骨制眼镜盒 spectacle case of bone

    7 龟甲制香烟盒或雪茄盒 cigar or cigarette case,of tortoise shell

    8 龟甲制眼镜盒 spectacle case,of tortoise shell

    9 贵金属制刷子匣 brush case of precious metal

    10 琥珀小匣子 casket of amber

    11 机械地毯清扫机 mechanical carpet sweeper

    12 角制眼镜盒 spectacles case,of horn

    13 可乘坐玩具小汽车 toy car designed to be ridden

    14 毛皮套子 case of furskin

    15 名片盒,贵金属制 card case,of precious metal

    16 木桶 cask

    17 拼化玻璃 cathedral glass

    18 切肉刀 carver

    19 青瓷碗 celadon bowl

    20 热饮杯 caudle cup

    21 人造毛皮套子 case,of artificial fur

    22 赛璐珞筷 celluloid chopstick

    23 赛璐珞玩具 celluloid toy

    24 陶瓷杯 ceramic cup

    25 陶制炖锅 ceramic pot

    26 天花板明镜 ceiling mirror

    27 玩具弹弓 catapult toy

    28 玩具汽车(不包括乘坐用的汽车) toy car(excl. those for riding)

    29 玩具娃娃车 doll carriage

    30 香柏木箱 cedar chest

    31 象牙制口红盒 lipstick case,of ivory

    32 象牙制香烟盒或雪茄 cigar or cigarette case,of ivory

    33 象牙制眼镜盒 spectacle case,of ivory

    34 烟叶烟斗 cash bowl

    35 婴儿车 baby carriage

    36 针织或钩编纺织品制长枕套 bolster case of knitted or crocheted,textile materials

    37 珍珠母制口红盒 lipstick case,of mother-of-pearl

    38 珍珠母制香烟盒或雪茄盒 case cigar or cigarette,of mother-of-earl

    39 真空容器外壳 outer case,for vacuum vessels

    40 珠宝首饰匣,贵金属制 jewel case,of precious metal

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