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    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 白肉洋参 clarified

    2 白头翁(根) Chinese pulsatilla (root)

    3 薜荔(根茎及叶) climbing fig (rhizome and leaf)

    4 柴胡(根) Chinese thorowax (rooot)

    5 蝉蜕,蝉退,蝉衣 cicada slough

    6 川蝉花 cicada

    7 川续断 Chinese teasel root

    8 苁蓉丸 Cistanches Tonic Pills

    9 冬瓜皮 Chinese wax gourd peel

    10 冬瓜子 Chinese wax gourd seed

    11 枸骨叶(功劳叶) Chinese hooly leaf

    12 桂枝茯苓丸 cinnamon Twig and Poria Pill

    13 桂枝加厚朴杏子汤 Cinammon Twig Decoction with Magnolia Bark and Apricot Seed

    14 蛤粉,海蛤壳粉 clam shell powder

    15 黄皮叶 Chinese wampee leaf

    16 鸡矢藤 Chinese fevervine

    17 锦灯笼 Chinses lantern-plant (calyx or fruit)

    18 菊花,白菊花 chrysanthemum flower

    19 莱菔子 Chinese radish seed

    20 利胆片 Cholagoic Tablet

    21 灵猫香 civet

    22 龙胆草 Chinese gentian

    23 麻黄根 Chinese ephedra root

    24 青果仁 Chinese olive (nut)

    25 轻粉(甘汞) chloride

    26 苘麻子(冬葵子) chingma abutilon seed

    27 肉苁蓉丸 cistanche pills

    28 山药(淮山) Chinese yam rhizome

    29 升麻葛根汤 Cimicifuga and Pueraria Decoction

    30 升麻根茎 cimicifuga rhizome

    31 十大功劳叶 Chinese mahonia leaf

    32 四季青 Chinese holly

    33 蜈蚣草 ciliate desert-grass

    34 蜈蚣草 ciderage ciliate desert-grass

    35 五倍子 Chinese nut gall

    36 西河柳 Chinese tamarisk (twig)

    37 香加皮 Chinese silkvine bark

    38 香橼果 citron fruit

    39 皂角刺 Chinese honey locust spine

    40 紫花地丁,地丁 Chinese violet
