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    译典分类展示:党政机关名称 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 ××村党支部 CPC ×× Village (Party)Branch

    2 ××大学党委 CPC ×× University Committee;××University Committee of CPC

    3 ××市委 ×× Municipal Committee of CPC;CPC ×× Municipal Committee

    4 ××县委 ×× County Committee of CPC;CPC ×× County Committee

    5 ××乡党委 ×× Township Committee of CPC;CPC ×× Township Committee

    6 ××镇委 ×× Town Committee of CPC;CPC ×× Town Committee

    7 北京市委 Beijing Municipal Committee of CPC;CPC Beijing Municipal Committee;CPC Committee of Beijing Municipality

    8 党委办公室 (Administrative)Office of Party Committee

    9 机关党委 Party Committee for Organs

    10 人民日报社 People’s Daily

    11 浙江省纪委 Discipline Inspection Commission,CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee

    12 浙江省委 Zhejiang Provincial Committee of CPC

    13 中央编译局 Compilation and Translation Bureau,CCCPC

    14 中央党校 Central Party School

    15 中央警卫局 Central Guard Bureau
