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    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 (玩纸牌时)叫牌 (in playing cards)to make a bid

    2 (玩纸牌者的)叫牌 (a chance or turn to make)a declaration of the number of games

    3 (用开关)转换 To change or move by a switch

    4 保养得好的房子 A well-maintained house

    5 不理不睬 To stop listening or paying attention

    6 采取重大步骤 Take a significant step

    7 常规武器(战争) Conventional weapons/warfare

    8 彻底地转变 To change completely

    9 充分的核查 Adequate verification

    10 处于被操纵的状态 The state of being manipulated

    11 船舶容积 Capacity of vessel

    12 大型石油公司 An integrated oil company

    13 短期不稳定 Short-term instability

    14 分界水平;关键水平 Critical level

    15 富有经验的作家 A sophisticated writer

    16 改信基督教的人 A convert to Christianity

    17 钢铁联合企业 Integrated iron and steel works

    18 高层(首脑层)讨论 High-level/top-level discussions

    19 高度复杂的拍摄技巧 Highly sophisticated filming techniques

    20 高水平成就 A high level of achievement

    21 工业贸易结合企业 Integrated industrial and trade enterprise

    22 工作能力;劳动能力 Capacity for labour

    23 固有的误差 Inherent error

    24 固有权力 Inherent power

    25 固有稳定性 Inherent stability

    26 固有性;潜在属性 Inherent nature

    27 合乎道德的 Morally good or right

    28 回避;躲避 The act of evading

    29 联控台 Integrated console

    30 内在缺点;固有缺点 Inherent vice

    31 平等的主权国家 Sovereign equals

    32 平静的,无变化的 Steady and unvarying

    33 平平的一匙糖 A level spoonful of sugar

    34 屈服 To give up control(of)

    35 熟练程度 Skill level

    36 向下倾斜 To slope downwards

    37 夷平 To knock or pull down to the ground

    38 原本价值 Inherent value

    39 整体电路 Integrated circuit

    40 最大的努力 One’s best effort

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